by Carter Adams (
building a vim plugin was a bucket list item, I'm probably never going to update this again, but maybe it will be useful for someone learning how to do this.
Simple snippits. Add the following line to your config file:
`let g:simplesnipsDir = $HOME . "/path/to/your/snips/folder/"`
Then the command:
`:Sn snippitname`
Will insert the text of the file /path/to/your/snips/folder/snippitname
into your code at the current line, or below your current line if the
current line is not blank.
Autocompletion of snippit names should be enabled.
The only processing of snippit text is that the pattern __FileSlug__
replaced by the current file's filename without the extension. So for instance
class __FileSlug__
would become class MyClass
when inserted into a file
called MyClass.js
Similarly __FileSlugLower__
is replaced by the name of the file in lowercase,
minus the extension. So myclass
in the above example.
TODO: Insert at current indentation level
TODO: Allow snippits organized in sub-folders
TODO: Test on different platforms
TODO: Other improvements?
I don't want anything complicated like supporting the formats of other snippits plugins. This is for people who want a straightforward solution to writing a personal collection of templates in a simple format & use a plugin that doesn't pollute their omnicomplete.