
World of Warcraft Fishing Bot

Primary LanguageC#

🎣 ToxicFishing: Your Virtual Fishing Assistant in World of Warcraft 🎮

Welcome to ToxicFishing, the virtual assistant designed to revolutionize your fishing experience in World of Warcraft. If you're looking for a way to automate the fishing process, you're in the right place!

🌟 What is ToxicFishing?

ToxicFishing is an automation tool that enhances and simplifies the fishing process in World of Warcraft. Imagine having a virtual companion taking care of fishing for you, using baits, and even looting bound items, all while you relax. That's ToxicFishing!

🛡 Safety and Discretion

ToxicFishing has been designed with utmost discretion in mind:

  • Undetectable: It doesn't use DLL injection techniques or similar methods that can be detected by the game's security systems.
  • Random Actions: The actions it performs are at random times, meaning there are no detectable patterns that can be identified by detection mechanisms.

🎣 How does it work?

  1. Float Detection: Using advanced techniques, ToxicFishing "watches" your game screen to locate your float. Once identified, it tracks its movement to detect any activity.

  2. Bite Waiting: Just like in real fishing, the float will sink or move when a fish bites. ToxicFishing is always alert to these movements.

  3. Automatic Capture: The moment it detects a fish has bitten, ToxicFishing acts quickly to secure your catch.

  4. Smart Repetition: After each catch, it prepares and casts the rod again, ensuring beforehand the need to use a new bait.

🎮 Setup and Use

To get the most out of ToxicFishing, follow these steps:

  1. Preparations in World of Warcraft:

    1. Before using ToxicFishing, make sure you have auto-loot enabled in the game options.
    2. The fishing action should be assigned to number 4, baits on 5, and on 6 there should be a macro with the code: "/click StaticPopup1Button1".
    3. Ensure you are in a fishing zone with your rod equipped.
    4. If you have multiple monitors connected, make sure that the game is open on the main monitor, in full screen mode without borders.
    5. If your monitor is too small the bot may not work properly.
  2. Running ToxicFishing: With everything set up in the game, start ToxicFishing (Execute the .exe file).

  3. Watch and Relax: Now, simply watch as your character fishes automatically and efficiently.

  4. Completion: When you feel you've fished enough, close ToxicFishing and continue your adventure in World of Warcraft.

🚀 Superior Optimization

ToxicFishing is an enhanced and optimized version of the original project FishingFun. In this version, minimal resource consumption is guaranteed, ensuring that your gaming experience is not affected in the slightest, even on low-end devices.

📝 Important Notes

  • Although ToxicFishing is designed to be undetectable, its use is prohibited on most servers, so you should use the tool responsibly.
  • I am not responsible for any potential consequences of its use.

🙌 Acknowledgments

A special thanks to FishingFun who was the original developer of the tool that I later decided to correct, expand, and optimize.

📊 Statistics
