
Magento 2 Extension to restrict access to your website via IP address or to close your shop for maintenance.

Primary LanguagePHP

IP Security - Magento 2 Extension

Latest Stable Version License: MIT Packagist Packagist

This Magento 2 extension is migrated version of ET_IpSecurity with some improvements. ET_IpSecurity extension is available for Magento 1 from ET Web Solutions here https://shop.etwebsolutions.com/eng/et-ip-security.html

It will allow you to restrict access to your website via IP address or IP masks. When the restriction rule is triggered, the customer gets redirected to the CMS page specified in the settings or just to a blank page. You can receive notifications about triggered rules via email. There is also the opportunity to switch your website off for maintenance.


The detailed documentation can be found at ET's website here http://doc.etwebsolutions.com/en/instruction/ip_security It is same for Magento 2 except some parts like installation procedure.

Detailed Description

The detailed description can be found at ET's website here https://shop.etwebsolutions.com/eng/et-ip-security.html


composer require redchamps/module-ip-security

Extension Settings

Extension settings can be accessed via admin path

Store > Configuration > RedChamps > IP Security


Pull requests are more than welcome.

We will be glad if you can fix any of existing issues listed in the repository or if you would like to improve the extension code.

Please visit our store https://redchamps.com for more free/paid extensions.