
Toolbox on Golang to manipulate messages from amqp broker

Primary LanguageGo


Toolbox on Golang to manipulate messages from amqp broker


Listen HTTP endpoint and post message to AMQP broker. Message must be as described below.

Auth included =)


Gets message from AMQP broker and post to remote HTTP endpoint. If no --template provided raw JSON view of message is used.

Retries/multiple URLs/auth included =)


Same as amqp-http-input but puts message into CSV (I don't remember why I did it).

Auth included =)


Runs provided executable and puts into stdin content of message. Headers are putted into environment variables (as in message described: e.x. ContentType).

Additional headers from message are putted with prefix AMQP_. For example: AMQP_MY_HEADER

Stdout sended as message to ReplyTo queue (if provided) with CorrelationId = MessageId

Retries included =)


Very simple utility that writes lines from stdin as messages to amqp broker or whole data as one packet if --single flag provided


Use binary builds or build by yourself:

Assume that you defined GOPATH/bin into PATH

go install github.com/reddec/amqp-utils/cmd/...

Also you may setup a service like this:

Description=AMQP utils - pull messages from broker and push to HTTP endpoint



Just replace Description and ExecStart to description of service and absolute path to required executable.

Install service by those command:

systemctl enable /path/to/file.service

And start by

systemctl start file.service


At fact, this is simple web hook, backed by AMQP broker


You may send message no in JSON by using Golang template: flag --template <filename>

Possible values in template is same as message fields


I am too lazy to describe all fields, so

type Message struct {
	Headers map[string]interface{} `json:"headers,omitempty"`
	Body    string                 `json:"body"`

	ContentType     string    `json:"content_type,omitempty"`     // MIME content type
	ContentEncoding string    `json:"content_encoding,omitempty"` // MIME content encoding
	DeliveryMode    uint8     `json:"delivery_mode,omitempty"`    // queue implemention use - non-persistent (1) or persistent (2)
	Priority        uint8     `json:"priority,omitempty"`         // queue implementation use - 0 to 9
	CorrelationId   string    `json:"correlation_id,omitempty"`   // application use - correlation identifier
	ReplyTo         string    `json:"reply_to,omitempty"`         // application use - address to to reply to (ex: RPC)
	Expiration      string    `json:"expiration,omitempty"`       // implementation use - message expiration spec
	MessageId       string    `json:"message_id,omitempty"`       // application use - message identifier
	Timestamp       time.Time `json:"timestamp,omitempty"`        // application use - message timestamp
	Type            string    `json:"type,omitempty"`             // application use - message type name
	Exchange        string    `json:"exchange,omitempty"`         // basic.publish exhange
	RoutingKey      string    `json:"routing_key,omitempty"`      // basic.publish routing key