
Lightweight C plotting library without special dependencies for Linux and Win

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Lightweight C plotting library without special dependencies for Linux and Win. Developed with C89 standart. Successfull build on gcc-4.8 and Visual C compiller 2010


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "svg.h"

int main(int argc, char** argv)
    int size = 410, i;
    double *data = (double*) malloc(sizeof (double)*size);/*Allocate test y array*/
    double *x = (double*) malloc(sizeof (double)*size);   /*Allocate test x array*/
    FILE *f;
    for (i = 0; i < size; ++i)                             /*Fill x and y values*/
        data[i] = 50 + 50 * sin(i * 0.03);
        x[i] = i;
    f = fopen("sin.svg", "w");                             /*Open result file*/
    /* Plot graphic with red (#ff0000) lines as svg image only */
    svg_draw_to_file_xy(f, "#ff0000", data, x, size, "x", "sin(x)", 2, false); 
    fclose(f);                                             /*Close result file*/
    free(data);                                            /* Free y array */
    free(x);                                               /* Free x array */
    return (EXIT_SUCCESS);

Compile the example:

$ gcc main.c svg.c -lm
$ ./a.out

Output of sin.svg:



Full version

void svg_draw_to_file_xy(
            FILE *f,
            const char *color,
            double *y,
            double *x,
            size_t count,
            const char *xlabel,
            const char *ylabel,
            int decimal,
            bool html)

Short version with auto generated X (from 0 to count-1)

void svg_draw_to_file_y(
            FILE *f,
            const char *color,
            double *y,
            size_t count,
            const char *xlabel,
            const char *ylabel,
            int decimal,
            bool html)
  • f - reference to opened file for writing result
  • color - line color
  • y - array with values
  • x - sorted array with x values from minimum to maximum
  • count - elements count (not bytes)
  • decimal - number after dot in float
  • html - generate or not html page with inline svg. Usefull for Windows users, which do not have other good SVG viewer then browsers