**MaveSolver is a maze generation and solver app! **
- Able to generate a square maze of sizes 2x2 to 50x50 tiles
- Able to highlight the shortest path from the start to any point you choose
- Able to see the maze being created
Tools used:
- Java
- JavaFX module: Responsible for user interface and graphics
To implement the bulk of the maze generation and maze solving, I implemented Depth-First-Search (DFS) algorithm that was modified to work with a 2D array rather than a traditional graph.
Implementing the animations was the harder bit. I compiled each change in the maze as it was being generated. The visual maze generation that you see being played out is actually a compilation of the changes already done on the maze; In other words, the complete maze is already generated before the animation even starts.
I worked on this project because I thought the concept of maze generation was awesome and wanted to understand how it exactly worked. I actually saw a YouTube video who had
This project was before I took my algorithms course, therefore, I can definitely say that I could make many changes to my approach for this project including..
- The use of a queue for the sake of conserving the stack
- A better method of showcasing animation
- Using a different platform altogether; A website would be funner and more easily accessible to users.