
A guide to productionize Machine Learning models using Flask rest api

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Flask template to productionize Machine learning models



Required python version

$ python --version
Python 3.5.5

Flask Library

  • Flask-RESTPlus

Steps to setup

Clone repo ...

$ git clone https://<your-user-id>@bitbucket.org/productionize-ml-model.git
Create new virtual env using anaconda
$ conda create --name <proj_name35> python=3.5
Activate virtual env
$ source activate <proj_name35>

Sample model (the model I used for this tutorial) can be download from the below link. Script that I used to train the model is https://github.com/reddimohan/Custom-image-classification-using-Inception-v3

Model link: https://1drv.ms/u/s!ArDo8DV9hhHCgTL-SFawrYAmU_DT?e=1TZYw6
Install libraries
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
Run the REST api in local with debug level
$ cd productionize-ml-model/
$ python app_server.py --debug
Run API in production mode
$ gunicorn --bind wsgi:application -w 1
Digitalocean has very good tutorial on deploying this to nginx, gunicorn so that it accepts multiple requests