Cognac Box

A super-simple LAMP stack for Vagrant.

A pre-configured Vagrant Box with a full array of features to get you up and running with Vagrant in no time.


  • OS: Ubuntu-22.04-LTS (Jammy Jellyfish) ** Long term support through 2027
  • APACHE: 2.4 with headers, rewrite, includes, expires
  • PHP: PHP 8.2 with Zend Engine v4.2 (Zend OPCache v8.2)
    • PHP Modules: bcmath, bz2, cgi, gd, imap, intl, mbstring, odbc, pspell, tidy, xmlrpc, zip
    • Other stuff: Enchant 1.60, Curl 7.81, ImageMagick 6.9, Composer 2.6
  • VIM: 8.2
  • Databases: MySQL 8.0, SQLite 3.37, Redis 6.0, MEMCACHE
  • Beanstalkd, NGROK, Mailhog
  • NodeJS: 18-TLS (NPM 6.14.4)
    • gulp, grunt, bower, yo, browser-sync, browserify, pm2, webpack
  • GoLang: 1.21
  • Python: 3.10
  • OpenSSL: 3.0.2
  • VirtualBox Host Additions for version 7.0


  • All major PHP frameworks including Laravel & Symfony!

Release Notes

Version 4.0

  • NEW: Ubuntu 22 LTS (Long Term Support)
  • NEW: PHP 8.2 and Composer 2.6
  • HTTPS/SSL: Self Signed https enabled by default and valid through September 2028
  • General update of all features to latest available as of September 2023

Version 3.0.1

  • Resolved cosmetic motd bug #8
  • Updated to latest apt updates/upgrades

Version 3.0

  • NEW: PHP 8.0 and Composer 2.0 and Yarn 0.32
  • HTTPS/SSL: Self Signed https enabled by default (access either http or https content)
  • PHP sendmail now defaults to use Mailhog
  • General update of all features to latest available as of March 2021

Version 2.3

  • General update of all features to latest available as of June 2020

Version 2.2

  • Updated to fix the issue with "failed to create the raw output file"

Version 2.0

  • General update of all features to latest available as of March 2020

Known Issues

  • MySQL PGP key issue when running apt-get update, will be fixed in next release