
Trying to learn Torch by doing a subset of CIFAR-10 / Best Accuracy: 57.75% (so far)

Primary LanguageLua

Torch CIFAR-10 Demo

Inspired Mostly blatantly copied from @soumith's Deep Learning Intro with Torch. Runs on a subset of CIFAR-10 (10k training examples, which I believe is what is causing a bottleneck in the test accuracy that I get).

My contributions:

  • I added the ability to parameterize hyper-params (learning rate, epochs/iterations).
  • Added support for running on OpenCL & CUDA.
  • Changed the network to add more Convolutional layers.
  • Modularized the code.

Coming Up

  • Use of optim along with L-BFGS/Adam.
  • Using the entire CIFAR-10 dataset, instead of the 10k train + 10k test currently.


  • nn for Neural Nets, obviously.
  • clnn, cltorch if using OpenCL
  • cunn, cutorch if using CUDA


  • If you want to run the demo on your CPU, try th cifar10.lua.
  • For GPUs, figure out which & how many GPUs you have via lspci | grep NVIDIA or lspci | grep AMD.
  • th cifar10.lua -gpu 0 -backend cunn - Will run the demo on your NVIDIA GPU number 1 (0-indexed).
  • th cifar10.lua -gpu 0 -backend clnn - Will run the demo on your AMD GPU number 1 (0-indexed).
  • To experiment with iterations & learning rate, try something like this th cifar10.lua -gpu 1 -backend cunn -iters 100 -lr 0.0005.
  • So far, I am able to see an 49.2 57% accuracy on test.