
Sample ASP.NET CORE MVC Application

Primary LanguageC#

BookLibrary.aspnetcore [In Progress]

ASP.net Core MVC sample application

  • ASP.net Core MVC
  • Entity Framework
  • SQL Server 2016 Express LocalDB
  • Web API
  • Automapper
  • AddFeatureFolders
  • xunit
  • gulp
  • bower
  • npm

-UI libraries and controls used:

Quick start

# clone the repository
$ git clone https://github.com/alanmacgowan/BookLibrary.aspnetcore.git myapp

# change directory to web API folder
$ cd myapp/BookLibrary.aspnetcore.API

# run web api server
$ dotnet run

# change directory to web app folder
$ cd myapp/BookLibrary.aspnetcore.UI

# install npm packages
$ npm i

# run web app
$ dotnet run

This will start the web api server (Kestrel) on https://localhost:44324/.
Then open a browser in https://localhost:44386/ to see the application running.
You can view API documentation provided by Swagger in https://localhost:44324/swagger