We currently maintain 488 data sets as a service to the machine learning community. You may view all data sets through our searchable interface. For a general overview of the Repository, please visit our About page. For information about citing data sets in publications, please read our citation policy. If you wish to donate a data set, please consult our donation policy. For any other questions, feel free to contact the Repository librarians.
- abudurrahmanBurhan
- AliveStill
- AndyWangSFUHarvard Medical School
- anologiconStone
- antoinedemathelin
- Chengziyao
- deekshith-b48Cambridge Institute Of Technology
- eliuqiongVancouver
- ElyonZero6
- githubfoam
- hackyfan
- HaoHan1997
- hengzhe-zhangVictoria University of Wellington
- huanyizhiyuan
- jinfy
- KarlmyhRUC
- kmccullen
- kshitijzutshiScale AI
- mphkh
- mujahid2580bangalore
- mutual-ai
- MuuYesen
- nethrashriBANGALORE
- PujithaSaiTulasiNortheastern University
- realaryagupta
- rowan-schaefer
- shrikant9793Pune
- sreehariEDelhi
- swang2000
- tamasoroszBudapest
- tanmayc07Binghamton, NY
- vaibssinghFreelancer
- veerak12