
R package with misc functions

Primary LanguageR

R package 'pascal'


This R package contains some "convenience" functions I programmed for my own use. I make them available here mainly for my own collaborators. They are reasonably well tested but use them at your own risk. Also, I do not provide any support. In case you find a bug, however, I am happy if you report it.

Groups of functions

Re-shaping data frames

The following functions were written long ago, and work very well. Today, some of this functionality can by achieved using other packages, e.g. plyr.

  • aggr: Aggregate a data frame. Very generic.
  • splt: Split data frame columns. Very generic, opposite of stck
  • stck: Stack data frame columns. Very generic, opposite of splt


  • aov.ftest: Calculate custom F-tests using lm/aov, choosing non-standard error strata. Outputs nicely formatted table.
  • aov.ko: Short for aov(terms(..., keep.order),...)


  • asreml.nvc: fit a model using asreml, but allowing for negative variance components. This is a convenience function acting as wrapper around asreml, achieving what otherwise has to be done in several steps (i.e. constructing a suitable G.param structure passed to asreml)
  • test.asreml: show Wald tests with denominator degrees of freedom, variance components, and (if available) stratum variances, given a fitted asreml object


  • heading, trailer, simple.heading, simple.trailer: Convenience functions to provide "nice" outputs
  • Sink, enableSink, disableSink, checkSink: Turn on and off sink()s
  • current_time


  • xy.errbar: Add error bars to your graphics
  • newpoly/addpoly/flushpoly: intelligently shade area between lines
  • showSymbols: show plot symbols


  • max_NAsafe, mean_NAsafe, median_NAsafe, min_NAsafe, sd_NAsafe, se_NAsafe, var_NAsafe: convenience replacements for anonymous functions removing NAs
  • NAtozero: return vector with NA and NaNs zeroed
  • finite.only: returns finite values only
  • escape/unescape: escape/unescape specified characters by hex codes
  • logstc: Three-parameter logistic (sigmoidal) function
  • power.posneg, power.posneg.backtransform: power functions, joining different "legs" for positive and negative values
  • safen: safely convert to numeric; works for text and factors
  • se: standard error (standard deviation of mean)
  • sgnsqrt
  • xtreme: Identify extreme values based on mad
  • trim.ws: remove whitespace
  • sigStars: translate P values to "stars" indicating significance levels
  • suc: short for sort(unique(as.character(x)))
  • isect: intersection of lines, with options
  • Sink, enableSink: sink function that can be globally enabled/disabled
  • getDist: extract distances from triangular distance matrices
  • Zr: Z transformation
  • cloglog and invcloglog: complementary log log and its inverse


  • close_all: closes all sinks and devices
  • getObjects
  • months.len
  • getResolution: Get screen resolution (uses xrandr, works only under Linux)


I'll remove these functions eventually, since they are remainings from old code.

  • niceDiag: Draw path diagram from sem object, using graphviz
  • indexof


  • download the ready-built package from the pkgs directory
  • use install_github: