
Plugin do WordPress para sistema de autenticação unificado.

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

Wordpress plugin for Opauth

Wordpress plugin for Opauth.

Opauth is a multi-provider authentication framework.


  1. Wordpress
  2. Permalinks enabled

How to use

  1. Install this plugin in your wordpress plugin directory

    cd wp-contents/plugins
    git clone https://github.com/redelivre/wp-opauth.git
  2. Download the submodules

    cd wp-opauth
    git submodule init
    git submodule update
  3. Configure the plugin via the network administration panel


This plugin does support multisite, however the strategy has to support the state parameter and use POST instead of sessions. This is true for most of the currently available strategies.

Configuration is done network wise. So different blogs owners don't have to get difrrent keys and painfully set everything up.

Adding Strategies

Here are the instruction to add a new strategy that isn't yet a submodule.

  1. Place it in the strategies directory

  2. Update opauth.conf.php's Strategy array. Make sure the variables you want the user to edit are set to null.

  3. If the strategy needs a return url to be configured. Add its suffix to the array in callbacksuffixes.php. This step is optional, but does help the user when configuring.

  4. Place the favicon inside the favicons directory. This is also optional, but recommended as the icon is shown to the user when logging in.


The MIT License

Copyright (c) 2014 Laboratório de Cultura Digital (http://labculturadigital.org)