Pluto 💖 Charon; Victim of human trade. Tags: OSINT, OpenBSD, opensource, openhardware, privacy, security, wisp, ModernSlavery, electromagnetic weapons.
Telecom LobbyBarcelona
Pinned Repositories
BSD based guerrilla services network. I'm victim of human trade, of electronic modern slavery, and I code to be free. Inspired by Fermi paradox.
Civilians FM, AM modulations upon MF, VHF and UHF bands of broadcasting radio and television transmissions distributed analysis. Trying to catch global human trade network in Catalunya, Spain. A territory enslaved for political reasons.
My DNA in csv format, download it!
To send my eQSL as SWL proof. I'm doing this because I'm victim of human trade, of modern slavery. Of church, nobles, paramilitary and mafia. And I want that all the world know how does it works modern slavery.
A mirror of the code about The International Obfuscated C Code Contest. References to the pokemon dressed victims of the remote neural monitoring network. Modern slavery of the past siege and founds of all the IT project in Europe. ESA included.
A firmware to complain with European ECHELON bypass and guard the citizens privacy
Configuration of an OpenBSD rugged secured server to obtain a private CA for SSL and SSH
Guide to configure rasberry pi, hackrf one and soapy sdr to control the device remotely.
Electromagnetic weapons modulated using devices ( DSP based radio ) added to DRM FM broadcast radiation systems. One application is the human trade network, torture and business upon people. Other Mafia administration by little importance nobles connected to military world. Other neural weapons development. Other cognitive and electronic warfare, the next cold war. All situated in the same place. Other is neofranquism. Other is sexual violence to our ladies. Other, and the only that can do a target individual, is the most impressive complaint against Mediterrean criminality, nobles and church.
redeltaglio's Repositories
Guide to configure rasberry pi, hackrf one and soapy sdr to control the device remotely.
Configuration of an OpenBSD rugged secured server to obtain a private CA for SSL and SSH
BSD based guerrilla services network. I'm victim of human trade, of electronic modern slavery, and I code to be free. Inspired by Fermi paradox.
Civilians FM, AM modulations upon MF, VHF and UHF bands of broadcasting radio and television transmissions distributed analysis. Trying to catch global human trade network in Catalunya, Spain. A territory enslaved for political reasons.
Electromagnetic weapons modulated using devices ( DSP based radio ) added to DRM FM broadcast radiation systems. One application is the human trade network, torture and business upon people. Other Mafia administration by little importance nobles connected to military world. Other neural weapons development. Other cognitive and electronic warfare, the next cold war. All situated in the same place. Other is neofranquism. Other is sexual violence to our ladies. Other, and the only that can do a target individual, is the most impressive complaint against Mediterrean criminality, nobles and church.
A mirror of the code about The International Obfuscated C Code Contest. References to the pokemon dressed victims of the remote neural monitoring network. Modern slavery of the past siege and founds of all the IT project in Europe. ESA included.
My DNA in csv format, download it!
A github mirror of
An Ubiquiti Airos Airmax antennas automatic configurator for WISP porpuses
To send my eQSL as SWL proof. I'm doing this because I'm victim of human trade, of modern slavery. Of church, nobles, paramilitary and mafia. And I want that all the world know how does it works modern slavery.
A firmware to complain with European ECHELON bypass and guard the citizens privacy
Results from various application over the radio waves spectrum
Forked from Nagios script with performance data to ping host from mikrotik throught API, adapted to Zabbix 6.2
A brief about the OpenBSD implementation of the OSPF protocol. All under GNS3 virtualization environment.
Una guía sobre como instalar y utilizar el software por excelencia de planificación de explotación de redes inalámbricas. Radio Mobile.
The web page sources of another site from an Unix geek