- 2
Git gutter live update error
#1071 opened by peng051410 - 2
line number missing when switching between buffers
#1070 opened by karta0807913 - 0
js2-mode cannot be loaded when I open js file
#1069 opened by LGJ201508 - 1
ws-butler mode does not work properly
#1068 opened by Stumble - 4
Symbol's function definition is void: linum-mode
#1039 opened by iFHiGM - 3
error: Package ‘compat’ (version is unavailable ?
#1066 opened by yaoshenzh - 3
define-key碰到Wrong type argument: Commandp问题
#1051 opened by citemp - 2
#1065 opened by oxsard - 2
error: Package ‘eldoc-1.11’ is unavailable
#1064 opened by TooChaos - 2
Support open recent file in other frame?
#1063 opened by phye - 2
#1060 opened by zhongqian97 - 2
Can't not install with Emacs 29.1 on Windows 11
#1061 opened by ihaaae - 1
wsl2中全新使用配置,完成后打开新文件出现File mode specification error:(wrong-type-argument stringp nil))
#1058 opened by oxsard - 4
my-imenu don't show result correctly for .org file
#1059 opened by peng051410 - 1
Advice for require-package and featurep
#1057 opened by zhanyi22333 - 5
#1053 opened by heheda123123 - 1
- 2
#1055 opened by oxsardbest - 4
#1024 opened by SadSock - 3
my-dict-simple-definition执行后显示“File not found”.
#1054 opened by oxsard - 1
- 3
windows下,ctags 无法使用
#1048 opened by heheda123123 - 2
#1047 opened by mortimerzhu - 0
#1052 opened by heheda123123 - 1
#1049 opened by heheda123123 - 2
- 2
- 1
关于如何全局 vim快捷键
#1033 opened by donneyluck - 2
Duplicate key binding
#1045 opened by BlacAmDK - 5
It's very slow while opening company mode for editing large file with over 10000 lines.
#1040 opened by guoqinglei - 2
- 3
`my-comma-leader-def` for {major/minor}-mode-map?
#1043 opened by phye - 2
void-variable read-symbol-positions-list
#1044 opened by iFHiGM - 3
Question about replace default ctags path.
#1041 opened by eslrahc-swa - 2
error: Package ‘majapahit-theme-’ is unavailable
#1036 opened by vipzrx - 4
请问 emacs 调用外部的 look 命令有什么用吗?我应该怎么关掉?
#1035 opened by sui4444 - 3
- 5
`require-init` in `~/.custom.el` not working
#1020 opened by fenguoerbian - 1
emacs 27.1 can not init with miss darkburn-theme
#1025 opened by heysion - 1
#1023 opened by nigo81 - 2
mybigword-pronunce-word function not work
#1022 opened by hhcwyx - 1
some problem when paste from kill ring
#1019 opened by pinvondev - 2
- 3
How to disable pyim, I want to use package rime instead.
#1015 opened by sbwcwso - 3
[Question] How to add word to dict to pass the spell check, and where is the dict position?
#1017 opened by sbwcwso - 3
How to use wrap-region in evil-mode?
#1016 opened by sbwcwso - 2
autosave will delete the blank at current cursor.
#1014 opened by sbwcwso - 2
Error running timer ‘auto-save-buffers’: (error "Can't open affix or dictionary files for dictionary named \"zh_CN\".")
#1013 opened by sbwcwso - 10
error "Package ‘eziam-theme-’ is unavailable"
#1012 opened by vipzrx - 2
Emacs 28.2 term terminal only support 8 colors.
#1011 opened by sbwcwso