Recommended practices for all elements of automation using Ansible, starting with collections and roles, continuing with playbooks, inventories and plug-ins... These good practices are planned to be used by all Red Hat teams interested but can of course be used by others.
- akae-bekaInterchain
- Aletor93
- ariordan-redhatRed Hat
- beholdenkeyApeiros
- CaserawRed Hat
- codecio
- cusux
- davduncAmazon Web Services, Inc.
- ecchongNew York
- enixdark
- ens
- firebitsbrUniverse
- fiskhest@formulatehq
- gforster
- jenn-nskSaint Louis, MO
- jjweisAnn Arbor, MI
- kubealexRed Hat
- lavbobbaThe Hartford
- leogallego@ansible
- luisefigueroaCloudera
- MajorFlamingo
- maprangzthThailand
- MikeCantCodeColorado
- mophahr
- mpetrive-rh
- mschindlRed Hat GmbH
- Overflow0xFFFF
- richmRed Hat
- rpalstraHCS company
- rschaten
- SadFaceSmith@Grafana
- salanisorLinux Kernel
- sbuvaneshkumarRed Hat
- shanemcd(Ansible (Red Hat (IBM)))
- tblakex01
- vvaldezRed Hat