
Kubernetes and Knative pipeline demo using Tekton

Primary LanguageHTML

Serverless and Pipelines



minikube start --memory=8192 --cpus=6 --disk-size=50G  \
 --kubernetes-version=v1.12.0 \
 --vm-driver=hyperkit \

This setup and example works well with minikube v1.1.1, the registry hack below is not working as expected with v1.2.0.

Enable registry addon

Only for minikube
minikube addons enable registry

Wait for the registry pod to be up

kubectl -n kube-system get pods -w
You can terminate the command with CTRL+c

Clone the minikube-helpers repo

git clone {git-repo}
cd minikube-helpers

Configure registry aliases

To be able to push and pull images from internal registry we need to make the registry entry in minikube node’s hosts file and make them resolvable via coredns.

Add entries to host file

All the registry aliases are configured using the configmap registry-aliases-config.yaml, we need to create the configmap in kube-system namespace:

git clone https://github.com/kameshsampath/minikube-helpers
cd registry
kubectl apply -n kube-system -f registry-aliases-config.yaml

Once the ConfigMap has been created we can run the dameonset node-etc-hosts-update.yaml to make in add entries to the minikube node’s /etc/hosts file with all aliases pointing to internal registrys' CLUSTER_IP

kubectl apply -n kube-system -f node-etc-hosts-update.yaml
  • Wait for the daemonset to be running before proceeding to next step, the status of the daemonset can be viewed via kubectl get pods -n kube-system -w, you can do CTRL+C to end the watch.

  • The daemonset may take few minutes to run and complete.

You can check the minikube vm’s /etc/hosts file for the registry aliases entries:

$ minikube ssh -- sudo cat /etc/hosts       localhost demo  dev.local  example.com

The above output shows that the daemonset has added the registryAliases from the ConfigMap pointing to the internal registry’s CLUSTER-IP.

Update coredns

Update the Kubernetes' coredns to have rewrite rules for aliases.


A successful patch will have the coredns configmap updated like:

apiVersion: v1
  Corefile: |-
    .:53 {
        rewrite name dev.local registry.kube-system.svc.cluster.local
        rewrite name example.com registry.kube-system.svc.cluster.local
        kubernetes cluster.local in-addr.arpa ip6.arpa {
           pods insecure
           fallthrough in-addr.arpa ip6.arpa
        prometheus :9153
        proxy . /etc/resolv.conf
        cache 30
kind: ConfigMap
  name: coredns

To verify it run the following command:

kubectl get cm -n kube-system coredns -o yaml

Once you have successfully patched you can now push and pull from the registry using suffix dev.local, example.com

Install Tekton Pipelines

kubectl apply --filename https://storage.googleapis.com/tekton-releases/latest/release.yaml

Wait for the Tekton Pipelines Pods to come up

kubectl get pods --namespace tekton-pipelines -w
You can terminate the command with CTRL+c

Install Knative Serving

This section is optional, if and only if you wish to deploy Knative services
curl -L  https://raw.githubusercontent.com/knative/serving/release-0.6/third_party/istio-1.1.3/istio-lean.yaml \
  | sed 's/LoadBalancer/NodePort/' \
  | kubectl apply --filename -

Wait for the Istio Pods to come up

kubectl get pods --namespace isito-system -w
You can terminate the command with CTRL+c
kubectl apply --selector knative.dev/crd-install=true \
--filename https://github.com/knative/serving/releases/download/v0.6.0/serving.yaml \
--filename https://github.com/knative/serving/releases/download/v0.6.0/serving.yaml --selector networking.knative.dev/certificate-provider!=cert-manager

Wait for the Knative Serving Pods to come up

kubectl get pods --namespace knative-serving -w
You can terminate the command with CTRL+c

Configure Pipelines

As the build need to be run with service account that needs permissions to create resources, a new service account 'build-robot' needs to be created with required permissions.

Download the demo sources and lets call the folder as $PROJECT_HOME:

git clone https://redhat-developer-demos/quarkus-pipeline-demo &&\
cd quarkus-pipeline-demo &&\
export PROJECT_HOME=`pwd`
All the objects will be created in the namespace called demos, if you wish to change it please edit the file build/build-roles.yaml and update the namespace name.
kubectl apply -f $PROJECT_HOME/build/build-roles.yaml

Change to the demos namespace

kubens demos

The build uses resources called PipelineResource that helps to configure the git repo url, the final container image name etc.,

Let’s create the resources

kubectl apply -f $PROJECT_HOME/build/build-resources.yaml

The Pipeline consists of multiple tasks that needs to be executed in order.

Let’s create the pipeline tasks

kubectl apply --recursive -f $PROJECT_HOME/build/tasks

You can use the command tkn task list to list the created tasks. The command above should show the following tasks:

NAME                     AGE
greeter-image-from-git   22 seconds ago
kubectl-task             22 seconds ago

Let’s create the pipeline that uses the tasks create in previous step

kubectl apply --recursive -f $PROJECT_HOME/build/pipelines

You can use the command tkn pipeline list to list the created tasks. The command above should show the following pipeline:

NAME                      AGE             LAST RUN   STARTED   DURATION   STATUS
greeter-pipeline-jvm      5 seconds ago   ---        ---       ---        ---
greeter-pipeline-native   5 seconds ago   ---        ---       ---        ---

To make the pipeline run, we need to create the PipelineRun

Let’s create the pipelinerun that uses the one of pipelines e.g. greeter-pipeline-jvm created in previous step

kubectl apply  -f $PROJECT_HOME/build/pipelinerun/greeter-pipeline-run.yaml

If you want to do a native build then update the pipelineRef in greeter-pipeline-run.yaml to be greeter-pipeline-native

You can use the command tkn pipelinerun list to list the created tasks. The command above should show the following pipeline:

NAME                   STARTED         DURATION   STATUS
greeter-pipeline-run   8 seconds ago   ---        Running

You can view the logs of the pipeline run using the command tkn pipelinerun logs -f -a greeter-pipeline-run

The very first pipeline run may take sometime, as the builder images needs to be downloaded and the maven cache needs to be warmed

If you have a local maven repo manager like Nexus then you can configure the pipeline to use it via the param mavenMirrorUrl e.g.

    - name: mavenMirrorUrl
      value: #(1)
  1. Assuming your nexus repository is running in

A successful pipeline run will deploy an application called "greeter" and a correponding service called greeter-service, you can view them using the following commands:

kubectl get -n demos deployments
kubectl get -n demos services

Deploying Knative Service

To deploy Knative service using the same pipelines, edit the ./build/pipelinerun/greeter-pipeline-run.yaml and update it to look like:

apiVersion: tekton.dev/v1alpha1
apiVersion: tekton.dev/v1alpha1
kind: PipelineRun
  name: greeter-pipeline-run
  serviceAccount: build-robot
    name: greeter-pipeline-jvm
    - name: namespace
      value: demos
    - name: resourceDir #(1)
      default: "knative"
    - name: resourceFile
      default: "service.yaml" #(2)
    - name: source-repo
        name: demo-git-source
    - name: app-container-image
        name: greeter-local-image-jvm
  1. The kubernetes resource directory

  2. The Knative service yaml file

Recreate the pipelines

kubectl delete -f $PROJECT_HOME/build/pipelinerun/greeter-pipeline-run.yaml && \
kubectl apply -f $PROJECT_HOME/build/pipelinerun/greeter-pipeline-run.yaml

Invoke Service

IP_ADDRESS="$(minikube ip):$(kubectl get svc istio-ingressgateway --namespace istio-system --output 'jsonpath={.spec.ports[?(@.port==80)].nodePort}')"
curl -H "host:greeter.demos.example.com" $IP_ADDRESS/greeter


kubectl delete --recursive -f $PROJECT_HOME/build
kubens -