Argo CD Terraform Controller
Start by creating an argocd cluster with the terraform-generate plugin installed.
kubectl create ns argocd
kubectl apply -k terraform-generate/kustomize-core-install -n argocd
kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=argocd
Create the ArgoCD Terraform controller from the yaml:
kubectl apply -f controller.yaml
Now, create an ArgoCD app that uses the terraform-generate plugin, the repository should contain the terraform manifests you want to track:
argocd app create terraform-test --repo <REPO URL> --path <REPO PATH> --dest-server https://kubernetes.default.svc --dest-namespace argocd --config-management-plugin argocd-terraform-generator
Sync the application to run the plugin and update the local terraform manifests
argocd app sync terraform-test
To generate controller.yaml:
# install controller-gen and kustomize
make controller-gen
make kustomize
mkdir bin
cp ~/path/to/controller-gen bin/
cp ~/path/to/kustomize bin/
IMG=<image> make deploy-file
To build controller and worker images and push them: make podman-build-no-test make podman-push make podman-build-worker-no-test make podman-push