
Extra tools for working with Kiota in Maven Java projects

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Kiota Java Extra


This repository contains utilities to work with Kiota and Java.

Maven Plugin

The Kiota Maven plugin ease the usage of the Kiota CLI from Maven projects. To use the plugin add this section to your pom.xml:

            ... or ...

the available options, as of today, are (output of mvn help:describe -DgroupId=com.github.andreaTP.kiota-utils -DartifactId=kiota-maven-plugin -Dversion=0.1.7 -Ddetail):

Name: kiota-maven-plugin
Description: A Maven plugin to generate code with Kiota
Group Id: com.redhat.cloud
Artifact Id: kiota-maven-plugin
Version: 0.1.7
Goal Prefix: kiota

This plugin has 1 goal:

  Description: This plugin will run Kiota to generate sources.
  Implementation: com.redhat.cloud.kiota.maven.KiotaMojo
  Language: java
  Bound to phase: generate-sources

  Available parameters:

    baseURL (Default:
      Base URL to be used for the download

    cleanOutput (Default: false)
      Clean output before generating

    clearCache (Default: false)
      Clear cache before generating

    clientClass (Default: ApiClient)
      The class name to use for the core client class. [default: ApiClient]

    downloadTarget (Default: ${basedir}/target/openapi-spec)
      The Download target folder for CRDs downloaded from remote URLs

      The openapi specification to be used for generating code

    kiotaLogLevel (Default: Warning)

    kiotaTimeout (Default: 30)
      Kiota timeout in seconds

    kiotaVersion (Default: 0.11.1)
      Version of Kiota to be used

    language (Default: Java)

    namespace (Default: ApiSdk)
      The namespace to use for the core client class specified with the
      --class-name option. [default: ApiSdk]

    osName (Default: ${os.name})
      OS name

    skip (Default: false)
      User property: kiota.skip
      Skip the execution of the goal

    targetBinaryFolder (Default:
      Required: true
      Kiota executable target binary folder

    targetDirectory (Default:
      Location where to generate the Java code

      The URL to be used to download an API spec from a remote location

    useSystemKiota (Default: false)
      User property: kiota.system
      Use system provided kiota executable (needs to be available on the PATH)

RedHat SSO Auth

We publish a Kiota compatible TokenProvider to enable ease access to RedHat services.

Import the dependency in your pom.xml with:


Now you can easily authenticate through RedHat SSO using an offline token to access Red Hat APIs:

OkHttpRequestAdapter adapter = new OkHttpRequestAdapter(
        new BaseBearerTokenAuthenticationProvider(
                new RHAccessTokenProvider(offline_token)

var client = new ApiClient(adapter);