
This contains the content used to demo sigstore at the OpenShift Commons Briefing on March 30, 2021; a recording of this can be found at

Slides from the presentation can be seen at:


Create Tekton Tasks

oc apply -f ./config/tekton/task

Create Tekton Pipeline

oc apply -f ./config/tekton/pipeline

Create Tekton Trigger

oc apply -f ./config/tekton/trigger

Expose Tekton Event Listener Service

Once the el-sigstore-demo-app service has been created by Tekton, expose it by running:

oc expose service el-sigstore-demo-app

Add GitHub Webhook Manually

Open GitHub repo (Go to Settings > Webhooks) click on Add webhook. Under Payload URL, paste the output of:

echo $(oc get route el-sigstore-demo-app --template='http://{{}}')

Select Content type as application/json. Add secret eg: sigstore. Click on Add Webhook.

Test It

Now when we perform any push event on the repo, it will trigger the pipeline with a new pipeline run. To test it, run:

git commit -m "empty-commit" --allow-empty && git push origin main