
JDV - Open Data Example

Primary LanguageShell

JDV Open Data


Tim Berners-Lee, the inventor of the Web and Linked Data initiator, suggested a 5-star deployment scheme for Open Data:

This project uses JBoss Data Virtualization to expose data in Open Data format to achieve the 5 star rating.

The data was gathered in Portal da Transparência, a Brazilian government website that provides open data.

The datasource consists in:

  • One Postgresql database table

    • schema.sql - Natureza Jurídica - Legal type of a company in Brazil

  • Two CSV files

    • CNAE.csv - Classificação Nacional de Atividades Econômicas - Economic activities of Brazilian companies

    • CNPJ.csv - Cadastro Nacional da Pessoa Jurídica - List of Brazilian companies

  • One SOAP Webservice

  • Canonical model

There are two types of installations:

xPaaS Deployment (Openshift 3.5+)


  • Openshift Container Platform 3.5+
  • OC command line interface
  • JDBC client
  • Git clone of this project

Project setup

Login in oc cli:

oc login <OPENSHIFT URL> -u <USER> -p <PASSWORD>

Create a new Openshift project via web browser. Example: jdv-opendata

After, you need to setup the security constraints:

oc project jdv-opendata
oc create serviceaccount datavirt-service-account
oc policy add-role-to-user view system:serviceaccount:jdv-opendata:datavirt-service-account
oc secrets new datavirt-app-config ./datasources.env
oc secrets link datavirt-service-account datavirt-app-config

Postgresql 9.5 Image setup (CLI)

oc new-app postgresql-persistent \
   --name='postgresql' -lapp=postgresql \
   --param POSTGRESQL_USER=redhat \
   --param POSTGRESQL_PASSWORD=redhat@123 \
   --param POSTGRESQL_DATABASE=redhat \
   --param VOLUME_CAPACITY=1Gi

Postgresql 9.5 Image setup (Console)

  • Add to Project

  • Browse Catalog

    • Search for: postgresql-persistent

    * Click in Select
  • Image setup. Set the following fields:

    • Database Service Name: postgresql
    • PostgreSQL Connection Username: redhat
    • PostgreSQL Connection Password: redhat@123
    • PostgreSQL Database Name: redhat
    • Click in Create

  • Continue to overview

  • Create Route. Don't change any field.

    * Click in Create

Database setup

To create and populate the database table, just run the script schema.sql using the connection created above.

You can use a port-forward in order to access your service:

oc port-forward $(oc get pod | grep "^postgresql" | awk '{print $1}') 15432:5432

JBoss Data Virtualization 6.3 Image setup (CLI)

oc new-app datavirt63-basic-s2i \
   --name='datavirt-app' -lapp=datavirt-app \
   --param APPLICATION_NAME=datavirt-app \
   --param CONFIGURATION_NAME=datavirt-app-config \
   --param SOURCE_REPOSITORY_URL=https://github.com/kerdlix/jdv-opendata \
   --param SOURCE_REPOSITORY_REF=master \
   --param CONTEXT_DIR=app \
   --param TEIID_USERNAME=teiidUser \
   --param TEIID_PASSWORD=redhat@123 \
   --param MODESHAPE_USERNAME=modeShape \
   --param MODESHAPE_PASSWORD=redhat@123 \
   --param IMAGE_STREAM_NAMESPACE=openshift \
   --param AUTO_DEPLOY_EXPLODED=false

JBoss Data Virtualization 6.3 Image setup (Console)

  • Add to Project

  • Browse Catalog
    • Search for: datavirt63-basic-s2i

    * Click in Select
  • Image setup. Set the following fields:
    • Application Name: datavirt-app
    • Git Repository URL: https://github.com/kerdlix/jdv-opendata
    • Context Directory: app
    • Teiid Username: teiidUser
    • Teiid User Password: redhat@123
    • ModeShape Username: modeShape
    • ModeShape User Password: redhat@123
    • Click in Create

  • Continue to overview

Database route

Create a new route to expose the JDBC port:

Database connection

You can use a port-forward in order to access your service:

oc port-forward $(oc get pod --show-all=false | grep "^datavirt-app*" | awk '{print $1}') 41000:31000

Use teiidUser/redhat@123 to connect do JBoss Data Virtualization.

JDBC test

You can test your VDB using the following SQL statements:

  • select * from NaturezaJuridica;
  • select * from NaturezaJuridicaCache;
  • select * from CNPJ;
  • select * from CNPJCache;
  • select * from CNAE;
  • select * from CNAECache;
  • select * from Empresas;
  • select * from EmpresasCache;
  • select * from FavorecidosGastosDiretos;
  • select * from FavorecidosGastosDiretosCache;
  • select * from CountryName where sCountryISOCode = 'BR';

OData test

You can test your VDB via OData using the following URLs (login with teiidUser/redhat@123):

Folder/files overview

Useful links

Possible improvements

  • Externalize the internal cache to JBoss Data Grid
  • Use 3Scale to control the Open Data API
  • Use ansible to automatize the installation process

Standalone Deployment (EAP)


  • JBoss Developer Studio 8.1.0 with Teiid plugin
  • JDK 1.8+
  • JBoss EAP 6.4+

Source Code

The project source code is in src directory and consists in a JBoss Developer Studio 8.1.0 GA Teiid Model Project. It has:

  • Sources
    • For CSV files, Postgresql database and WebService
  • Views
    • Models for the sources, with joins and materialized view tables
  • VDB

Database setup

To create and populate the database table, just run the script schema.sql

EAP setup

It is necessary to have the following resources created in EAP:

  • Datasource
    • jndi-name="java:/NaturezaJuridica"
      • Example (change the URL/username/password as needed):
            <datasource jndi-name="java:/NaturezaJuridica" pool-name="NaturezaJuridica" enabled="true">
  • Resource Adapter
    • resource-adapter id="CNPJSource"
      • Example (change the Path/file name as needed):
            <resource-adapter id="CNPJSource">
                <module slot="main" id="org.jboss.teiid.resource-adapter.file"/>
                    <connection-definition class-name="org.teiid.resource.adapter.file.FileManagedConnectionFactory" jndi-name="java:/CNPJSource" enabled="true" pool-name="CNPJSource">
                        <config-property name="ParentDirectory">
    • resource-adapter id="CNAESource"
      • Example (change the Path/file name as needed):
            <resource-adapter id="CNAESource">
                <module slot="main" id="org.jboss.teiid.resource-adapter.file"/>
                    <connection-definition class-name="org.teiid.resource.adapter.file.FileManagedConnectionFactory" jndi-name="java:/CNAESource" enabled="true" pool-name="CNAESource">
                        <config-property name="ParentDirectory">
    • resource-adapter id="CountrySource"
      • Example (change the URL name as needed):
            <resource-adapter id="CountrySource">
                <module slot="main" id="org.jboss.teiid.resource-adapter.webservice"/>
                    <connection-definition class-name="org.teiid.resource.adapter.ws.WSManagedConnectionFactory" jndi-name="java:/CountrySource" enabled="true" pool-name="CountrySource">
                        <config-property name="SecurityType">
                        <config-property name="EndPoint">

EAP Deployment

Copy the file OpenData.vdb to deployment folder of your EAP instance.

JDBC setup

The VDB will be available at this URL: jdbc:teiid:OpenData@mm://localhost:31000.

JDBC test

You can test your VDB using the following SQL statements:

  • select * from NaturezaJuridica;
  • select * from NaturezaJuridicaCache;
  • select * from CNPJ;
  • select * from CNPJCache;
  • select * from CNAE;
  • select * from CNAECache;
  • select * from Empresas;
  • select * from EmpresasCache;
  • select * from FavorecidosGastosDiretos;
  • select * from FavorecidosGastosDiretosCache;
  • select * from CountryName where sCountryISOCode = 'BR';

OData test

You can test your VDB via OData using the following URLs (login with teiidUser/redhat@123):

Folder/files overview

Used folders:

  • src
  • files
  • database