Role Name

Uploads OpenShift Images from the local machine to an on-premise Container Registry. Another role is used to Download OpenShift Images for a disconnected/offline Container Registry for use with a Red Hat OpenShift install.


Requires Skopeo for uploading Container Images.

Role Variables

The following variables may need to be set, defaults found in defaults/main/*.yml:

The Destination Registry credentials and URL variables are as follow: dest_registry_user: "" dest_registry_passwd: "" dest_registry_url: ""

You should also have three image lists that define the images to download for OpenShift (as YAML) docker_image_list_required docker_image_list_optional docker_image_list_s2i

The specific container image versions could be set as follow: ocp_container_tag_major: "v3.11" ocp_container_tag_full: "v3.11.135" ocp_container_tag_pod: "v3.11.98" ocp_container_tag_deployer: "v3.11.135" ocp_container_tag_etcd: "3.2.22" s2i_container_tag: "latest"



Example Playbook

  • hosts: servers roles:
    • role: snelson_redhat.ocp_images.transfer dest_registry_url: "" dest_registry_user: redhataccessuser dest_registry_passwd: redhataccesspasswd



Author Information

This role was written in 2019 by Sean Nelson