- To convey current day knowledge and data to future archeologists
- To convey human knowledge and data to aliens
- The receiver is aware of the concept of turing completeness
- The receiver has some kind of computation devices
- The receiver does NOT know anything about
- Our human languages
- Out programming languages
- Our data encodings
- Our character sets
- Our computer architectures (e.g. von neuman, what a byte is)
- It is easier to understand math than human language
- It is easier to understand a running software than a static dataset
- Teach number representations by example using known sequences (integers, primes etc)
- Teach a small programming language by example
- Validate using an example that is an interpreter for the language written in the language
- Provide a hardware emulator
- Written in the language
- Capable of running a full Linux with standard user space (debian or other distro)
- Linux and filesystem encoded as array constant in source code
riscv_em branch for mmu: https://github.com/redhog/riscv_em/tree/sv39
cd rv64gc-emu-software/output
../../rv64gc-emu/build/rv64gc_emu --bios fw_jump.bin --kernel ../linux/buildroot/output/build/linux-5.15.43/arch/riscv/boot/Image --dtb dtb.dtb --font font.ttf
cd rv64gc-emu-software/linux/buildroot/output/build/linux-5.15.43
sudo make ARCH=riscv CROSS_COMPILE=riscv64-linux-gnu- all
# Unpack original buildroot rootfs
cd buildroot
cpio -i -d -H newc -F ../rv64gc-emu-software/linux/buildroot/output/images/rootfs.cpio --no-absolute-filenames
# Create debian rootfs
sudo debootstrap --arch=riscv64 unstable debianroot
cd debianroot
cp ../buildroot/init .
find . | cpio -o -H newc > ../debianroot.cpio
riscv_em/build/riscv_em -f linux_for_riscv_em/output/linux-5.10.6/loader_64.bin -d riscv_em/dts/riscv_em.dtb -i buildroot.riscv_em.squashfs
cd debianroot; mksquashfs . ../debianroot.10.squashfs -Xcompression-level 9
cd linux_for_riscv_em/output/linux-5.10.6
make ARCH=riscv CROSS_COMPILE=riscv64-unknown-elf- -j16 loader
riscv64-unknown-elf-objcopy -O binary arch/riscv/boot/loader loader_64.bin
Config options to set in kernel to get initrd to work
What SATP should be: 8000000003000000
What SATP is: 8000000000080a6a
riscv64-unknown-elf-objdump -t -d vmlinux.o > vmlinux.asm.txt
0000000000000044 <relocate>:
44: 800005b7 lui a1,0x80000
48: 00000617 auipc a2,0x0
4c: 00060613 mv a2,a2
50: 40c585b3 sub a1,a1,a2
54: 00b080b3 add ra,ra,a1
58: 00000617 auipc a2,0x0
5c: 00060613 mv a2,a2
60: 00b60633 add a2,a2,a1
64: 10561073 csrw stvec,a2
68: 00c55613 srl a2,a0,0xc
6c: fff0059b addw a1,zero,-1
70: 03f59593 sll a1,a1,0x3f
74: 00b66633 or a2,a2,a1
78: 00000517 auipc a0,0x0
7c: 00050513 mv a0,a0
80: 00c55513 srl a0,a0,0xc
84: 00b56533 or a0,a0,a1
88: 12000073 sfence.vma
8c: 18051073 csrw satp,a0
a0 = x10
a1 = x11
"%x" % (0x0000000080000074 + 2666 * 2**12 - 116)
pgd_index(a) (((a) >> PGDIR_SHIFT) & (PTRS_PER_PGD - 1))