Welcome to the Sagil 1.0 release party! Team Sagil has been working tirelessly towards this moment for 10 years now, and we are proud to finally announce the release of Lavinia Iselin Mithra Sagil!
The release party will take place on the weekend 2024-07-19 to 2024-07-21 at Hoppeseter outside Oslo.
Our release party is beta release friendly! We believe in releasing early and testing in production! Human models are welcome from as early releases as 0 years.
- 4 bedrooms
- 35 sleeping spaces
- 25 of which are actual beds
- Shower
- Sauna
- Fireplace
- A lake to swim in nearby if the weather permits
- Sleeping bag
- Swimming clothes if you're up for a swim!
- Debugging tools and powersupplies for any early models you are brining along
The closest bus stop is 5,5km from the hut. There is also a parking lot next to this bus stop. If it is hard for you to walk this far, coordinate with Team Sagil to organize transport from there to the upper parking lot, 2.2km from the hut.
- To get to the bus stop, follow this public transport route
- To get from the bus stop to the upper parking lot, follow this route.
- To get from the upper parking lot to the hut, follow this route.
Please notify Team Sagil using the form below of your intention to attend, as well as number of participants and any special needs or requirements!
We would be very happy for any help with party deployment and tear down, including decoration, food preparation and transport. If you are able to help, don't hesitate to indicate this in the form below, or contact Team Sagil by email at redhog@redhog.org at any time!
<iframe src="https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSemxJsNVSfIVxwV_IHkZNeYHifbZgPybm3SATZ3jQasD6k9tw/viewform?embedded=true" width="100%" height="1700" frameborder="0" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0">Loading…</iframe>