Bookshelf RESTful API

This project is created in order to complete Belajar Membuat Aplikasi Back-End untuk Pemula dengan Google Cloud - Dicoding Indonesia course provided by Bangkit Academy.


Mandatory Criterias

  • Use 9000 as port number
  • Run the app using npm run command
  • Create/save book using POST /books endpoint
  • Read/show all books using GET /books
  • Read/show book detail using GET /books/{bookId}
  • Update/edit book data using PUT /books/{bookId}
  • Delete/remove book using DELETE /book/{bookId}

Optional Criterias (nice to have)

Implement query params to GET /books endpoint

  • /books?name=<str> return books that contains the <str>. Note that the name is not case sensitive
  • /books?reading=<int, 0 or 1> filter the book by reading progress status
  • /books?finished=<int, 0 or 1> filter books by finished reading status