
Aggregates the data from all known root servers while acting like a root server itself.

Primary LanguageHCL


Tomato aggregates meetings from multiple BMLT Root Servers and provides query access to those meetings through a clone of BMLT's Semantic API.


Tomato consists of two components, the Web Application and the Daemon.

Web Application

Hosts our clone of the BMLT Semantic API and the Django Admin Console.


Loop that updates the database from the BMLT Root Servers on a timer.

python3 manage.py import_root_servers



Tomato requires a PostgreSQL database with PostGIS installed, and the user must be a superuser so that it can enable the postgis extension when running the initial migrations. The database connection information is configured using environment variables.

Django Secret Key

A default SECRET_KEY has been provided, but this should be swapped out by using the SECRET_KEY environment variable in production. Using the default SECRET_KEY in production is very, very bad.


Environment Variables

Name Description
RDS_NAME PostgreSQL Database Name
RDS_USER PostgreSQL Database User
RDS_PASSWORD PostgreSQL Password
RDS_HOST PostgreSQL Hostname
RDS_PORT PostgreSQL Port
SECRET_KEY Secret key used for Django crypto things

Local cluster (beta)

No data is being populated yet

To test using docker run the following.

docker-compose up

From there you can issue queries to the instance at http://localhost:8000/main_server, or use the bundled semantic workshop container at http://localhost:8001/index.php.