- 1
- 1
Unable to connect with redis server installed on remote ubuntu machine
#1304 opened by sachinsinghcdn - 1
read_timeout vs write_timeout: Unexpected Redis::TimeoutError with introduced latency
#1303 opened by agrajgarg1526 - 0
Tiemouts meaning
#1302 opened by agrajgarg1526 - 3
- 2
Feature request: server assisted client side caching
#1301 opened by mbyio - 9
hgetall throwing error when upgrading to 5.0
#1298 opened by billybonks - 1
Support for RESP3 / protocol 3
#1297 opened by veesahni - 2
redis clustering error is not mapped
#1296 opened by michael-ujet - 0
`Redis::Client#mget` returning "OK", rather than an Array
#1294 opened by nick96 - 1
HSET error when value to store is empty
#1290 opened by jppsantana - 5
- 3
Use of RedisClient built-in connection pool
#1284 opened by Juanmcuello - 2
Multi/exec blocks are not retried on error
#1285 opened by jdheyburn - 1
redis-clustering: NoMethodError: undefined method `node_keys' for nil:NilClass
#1282 opened by ccutrer - 3
`:blpop` returns an exception when using sentinels
#1279 opened by jlledom - 14
Proper documentation on how to setup rails to connect to a redis cluster for session management
#1280 opened by darkmakukudo - 5
- 1
- 1
5.x seems to break IPv6 URL parsing
#1274 opened by chen-anders - 1
Behavior of `pipelined { multi }` changed
#1271 opened by jasonpenny - 4
- 2
Max number clients reached using subscribe_with_timeout
#1259 opened by gap777 - 1
- 1
Add support for redis Time Series module
#1257 opened by night91 - 5
Sentinel TLS: Sentinel TLS not supported
#1249 opened by garry-t - 1
Unable to create redis cluster
#1252 opened by nkroker - 2
- 1
Configure Rails redis_cache_store with redis 5
#1250 opened by adrys-lab - 0
#1246 opened by CaptainLoop - 7
Unable to load application: TypeError: superclass mismatch for class Cluster
#1240 opened by dil-atiwari - 5
LMPOP not working
#1237 opened by CoderMiguel - 4
- 1
SORT_RO support
#1234 opened by amree - 2
`.connection` method raises error in a Sentinel-based setup
#1231 opened by slai11 - 1
When will 5.0.8 be released?
#1230 opened by slai11 - 1
How to use Bloomfilter?
#1229 opened by hrdwdmrbl - 2
not able to subscribe to channels
#1228 opened by quadriq - 1
Cluster Mode: Transactions (multi)
#1224 opened by nicdal - 5
- 0
- 1
Redis 7.2 test failures
#1208 opened by voxik - 2
Problem with Sentinel passwords
#1216 opened by tycooon - 1
Sentinel tests fail with redis-client 0.15.0
#1209 opened by voxik - 1
sadd? srem? - rant
#1207 opened by taf2 - 2
Redis::CommandError < RedisClient::CommandError
#1206 opened by pboling - 2
AUTH failed with valid credentials, only with new versions of redis-tools / redis-cli
#1204 opened by collimarco - 1
Calling set with keepttl=true returns false
#1203 opened by davkim - 2
Add support for KEEPTTL option
#1202 opened by davkim - 4
Handling redirection when migrating to cluster
#1198 opened by gayanW