
Members: Vicente, Arman S. and Regodos, David Frank Edison

here's the guide:

Download the folder (Activity_Management_System)in the github and There is also a sql database here, so you must move the folder there after that. Then, on your desktop, find the xampp folder, paste the file there, and set up your xamp by opening the connections for Apache and MySQL, clicking the admin in MySQL, and going to phpmyadmin, where you can add the sql database file that you downloaded with the web app crud folder. and then import it to the phpmyadmin after that, in our folder look for “db.php” file then edit the code in github you need to change the port of local localhost base in your xampp and also the password if you have set a password in your phpmyadmin database then after that, just save and then type in your browser "localhost/the name of the folder you download from our github that you move in the xampp htdocs then followed by /index.php after that click enter then you could access the web app and then login or sign up base on what type of user you are and there you go to the dashboard table for the activities and that's all.