
PHP API for Firebase Cloud Messaging from Google

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PHP Firebase Cloud Messaging

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PHP API for Firebase Cloud Messaging from Google.

Currently this app server library only supports sending Messages/Notifications via HTTP.

See original Firebase docs: https://firebase.google.com/docs/

#Setup Install via Composer:

composer require redjanym/php-firebase-cloud-messaging

Or add this to your composer.json and run "composer update":

"require": {
    "redjanym/php-firebase-cloud-messaging": "1.*"

Send message to one or multiple Devices

use sngrl\PhpFirebaseCloudMessaging\Client;
use sngrl\PhpFirebaseCloudMessaging\Message;
use sngrl\PhpFirebaseCloudMessaging\Recipient\Device;
use sngrl\PhpFirebaseCloudMessaging\Notification;

$server_key = '_YOUR_SERVER_KEY_';
$client = new Client();

$message = new Message();
$message->addRecipient(new Device('_YOUR_DEVICE_TOKEN_'));
    ->setNotification(new Notification('some title', 'some body'))
    ->setData(['key' => 'value'])

$response = $client->send($message);

Send message to Topic

Currently sending to topics only supports a single topic as recipient. Mutliple topic as outlined in the google docs don't seem to work, yet.

use sngrl\PhpFirebaseCloudMessaging\Client;
use sngrl\PhpFirebaseCloudMessaging\Message;
use sngrl\PhpFirebaseCloudMessaging\Recipient\Topic;
use sngrl\PhpFirebaseCloudMessaging\Notification;

$server_key = '_YOUR_SERVER_KEY_';
$client = new Client();

$message = new Message();
$message->addRecipient(new Topic('_YOUR_TOPIC_'));
    ->setNotification(new Notification('some title', 'some body'))
    ->setData(['key' => 'value'])

$response = $client->send($message);

Subscribe user to the topic

use sngrl\PhpFirebaseCloudMessaging\Client;

$server_key = '_YOUR_SERVER_KEY_';
$client = new Client();

$response = $client->addTopicSubscription('_SOME_TOPIC_ID_', ['_FIRST_TOKEN_', '_SECOND_TOKEN_']);

Remove user subscription to the topic

use sngrl\PhpFirebaseCloudMessaging\Client;

$server_key = '_YOUR_SERVER_KEY_';
$client = new Client();

$response = $client->removeTopicSubscription('_SOME_TOPIC_ID_', ['_FIRST_TOKEN_', '_SECOND_TOKEN_']);

Interpreting responses

Responses given on the HTTP requests are standard according to the FCM documentations. You may find detailed specifications in this links: