A Maven plugin to parse a yaml file with a certain structure to property files.
This project was developed to replace the current way of generating property and settings files from Excel files at Truvo®. After migrating from svn to git it became a real horror to maintain settings and messages (e.g. translations) in Excel files. Certainly when changing the Excel in different branches. I probably don't need to draw a picture for you to get the point. (For what it's worth I found that it was a horror in svn to)
The plugin requires 2 files per execution. One with the configuration and one with the content. In the future the configuration file might be enclosed as a first document in the settings file.
The configuration one contains information for yamlprops-maven-plugin on how to export the content. It has a specific structure since it's loaded in the YamlConfiguration.class
location: 'configfiles/'
type: 'properties'
default: settings-default.properties
dev: 'dev/settings.properties'
key: 'file.properties'
test: 'test/settings.properties'
prod: 'production/settings.properties'
Note: all elements are optional
- The location field defines the directory relative to modules project.build.outputDirectory.
- The type field can have any value it will always be a property file. Except for value xml then the property file is exported as xml.
- the files is a map that optionally defines in which files certain properties end up. Properties that have a key, that conforms to a key in files, will end up in a file that is defined by the value. When a key is not in this map, the key itself will be used as property file name.
Example properties yaml file.
default: localhost:5432
dev: db-dev.example.org:5432
test: db-test.example.org:5432
prod: db-prod.example.org:5432
default: dbuser
default: aaa
dev: flzue554rfjfrujeuj
test: dliergigoijiz45kgkf
prod: yojdEGGsk49kE33
Given the above configuration and the maven configuration
the property files would be as follows: 4 property files exported to target/classes/configfiles/
- settings-default.properties containing some.db.url, some.db.user, some.db.pass
- dev/settings.properties containing some.db.url, some.db.pass
- test/settings.properties containing some.db.url, some.db.pass
- prod/settings.properties containing some.db.url, some.db.pass
output of mvn be.redlab.maven:yamlprops-maven-plugin:help -Ddetail=true
ignoreNotFound (Default: false)
Ignore yaml file not found. Defaults to false. Set true if you do not want the build to fail when source file is not found. User property: ignoreNotFound
readEncoding (Default: ${project.build.sourceEncoding})
The character encoding scheme to be applied when parsing the yaml file. Defaults to ${project.build.sourceEncoding}. User property: readEncoding
writeEncoding (Default: ${project.build.sourceEncoding})
The character encoding scheme to be applied when writing files. Defaults to ${project.build.sourceEncoding}. User property: writeEncoding
yamlfile (Default: src/main/resources/settings.yaml)
The yaml file containing the properties to parse. If the path is relative (does not start with / or a drive letter like C: ), the path is relative to the directory containing the POM. defautl: 'src/main/resources/settings.yaml' User property: yamlfile
targetDir (Default: /)
The target location. If the path is relative (does not start with / or a drive letter like C:), the path is relative to the directory containing the POM. defaults to '${}/' User property: targetDir
the location f the configuration file, defaults to rc/main/resources/yamlprops.yaml
For https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2022-1471 see https://bitbucket.org/snakeyaml/snakeyaml/wiki/CVE%20&%20NIST.md. Which is actually not really an issue. It is just complaining that you as user are responsible to provide trusted input.