Learning Algorithm
1949 : SW1949.java : 2019-02-26
2382 : SW2382.java :
- Weird
- Missing some conditions ends up with speding time more.
1952 : SW1952.java :
- DP
- Tried to solve with dfs -> failed -> impossible?
1217 : SW1217.java :
- Recursive power function
1220 : SW1220.java :
- Needed to start from bottom not from the top with N
- with S => start from top
1221 : SW1221.java : SW1221_v2.java :
- PriorityQueue + Comparator
- At first, did roughly => _v2 is much better code
1215 : SW1215.java :
- Palindrome
- Separated for row and column
1234 : SW1234.java :
- Using Stack or Deque
1289 : SW1289.java :
- Simple
1767: SW1767_Revised.java: SW1767.java:
- Revised one is way faster
3074 : SW3074.java :
- Brutal way timed over -> BinaraySearch
1486 : SW1486.java :
7103: SW7103.java: SW7103_v2.java: SW7103_v3.java:
- All worked in BOJ
- Just v3 passed at SWEA :(
- Check +2, +1, -1 and -2's val
- swap function
- dfs
- get the selling position
6855 : SW6855.java : SW6855_PriorityQueue.java:
- DFS took over time
- Solved by Priority Queue
1248 : SW1248.java :
- tried with dubble array => memory exceed
- ArrayList
2819 : SW2819.java :
- Solved using String, concat func & substring func
- => cost 90,772 kb memory => too much
- Solved using just integer => 43,852 kb. Plus, faster!
1213 : SW1213.java :
- KMP algorithm
- failed function for skipping
7272 : SW7272.java :
- Simple String Problem
7194 : SW7194.java :
- Need to handle when b == 1
7510 : SW7510.java :
- Need to optimize