Instructions :

Sonatype Nexus on OpenShift

This repo contains an OpenShift template for deploying Sonatype Nexus 3 in OpenShift. This is a fork of the OpenShiftDemos/nexus repository, with some customisations to the memory settings, deployment strategy and ports, for the purposes of a tutorial article.

Import Templates

In order to add Sonatype Nexus templates to OpenShift service catalog run the following commands:

Sonatype Nexus 3:

oc create -f

Deploy Nexus 3

Deploy Sonatype Nexus 3 using one of the provided templates. If you have persistent volumes available in your cluster:

oc new-app nexus3-persistent

Deploy Specific Version

In order to specify the Nexus version to be deployed use NEXUS_VERSION parameter:

oc new-app nexus3-persistent -p NEXUS_VERSION=3.5.0