
A convenience library for Solr/SolrJ

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


an easy to use solr client, that works embedded or with SolrServer and SolrCloud.

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SolrLib aims to ease the use of Apache Solr within Java applications.

Often you want to internally use Solr - SolrLib helps launching up an embedded CoreContainer. The big advantage: You keep the core/collection configuration where it belongs - next to the code. If later, you want to switch to using an external Solr Server (classic or SolrCloud), you can do so without code-changes. SolrLib will even deploy/update your collections on the remote instances.



SolrLib is split up in several modules:

  • solrlib-api
  • solrlib-embedded
  • solrlib-standalone
  • solrlib-cloud

For convenience, there is also a solrlib-spring-boot-autoconfigure module for ease-of-use within Spring Boot environments.

Cores/collections are registered by using a SolrCoreDescriptor, e.g. a SimpleCoreDescriptor:

// Create a core-descriptor
CoreDescriptor myCore = new SimpleCoreDescriptor("my-core", Paths.get("/path/to/solr-conf"));

// Create SolrCoreContainer and register Core
EmbeddedCoreContainerConfiguration config = new EmbeddedCoreContainerConfiguration();

SolrCoreContainer coreContainer = new EmbeddedCoreContainer(Collections.singleton(coreDescriptor), config, null);

// ...

// retrieve a SolrClient
try (SolrClient solrClient = coreContainer.getSolrClient(myCore)) {

Embedded Mode

When using solrlib-embedded, an embedded CoreContainer will be launched. There is no direct access to the Solr webservices or the admin-ui, you can retrieve an SolrClient to execute queries in your code.

Upon initialize(), all registered CoreDescriptors will be deployed. EmbeddedCoreContainerConfiguration.setDeleteOnShutdown controls if solr-home will be deleted upon shutdown.

Standalone Mode

When using solrlib-standalone, SolrLib connects to an external Solr server via http. If the home-directory is configured, the registered cores are copied there and registered via the Solr Core Admin API. The configuration flag deployCores chan further disable this.

Cloud Mode

In solrlib-cloud, SolrLib connects to an SolrCloud ensemble via the provided zookeeper connection string. If the configuration flag deployCores is set, all registered cores will be deployed to SolrCloud using CloudSolrClient.uploadConfig.

NOTE: adding runtime-libraries from the lib folder is currently not supported!

Spring Boot

To use SolrLib in a Spring Boot environment, add the following dependencies to your project:

    <!-- Spring Boot Autoconfiguration for SolrLib -->
    <!-- at least on implementation for runtime -->

The autoconfiguration checks solrlib with the following priority, the first one to match will be used:

  1. SolrLib Cloud (requires solrlib.zk-connection to be set)
  2. SolrLib Standalone (requires solrlib.base-url to be set)
  3. SolrLib Embedded (fallback)

All supported configuration properties for SolrLib:

# Used by embedded and standalone
#      the ${SOLR_HOME} directory
solrlib.home = /path/to/solr/home
# This will trigger using solrlib-standalone if available on the classpath
#      base-url for all solr requests
solrlib.base-url = http://localhost:8983/solr
# This will trigger using solrlib-cloud if available on the classpath
#       ZooKeeper connection string
solrlib.zk-connection = zookeeper1:8121,zookeeper2:8121
# Only used by standalone and cloud
#      prefix for the remote collection names, 
#      to avoid name-clashes on shared servers. 
solrlib.collection-prefix = 
# Only relevant in cloud-mode
solrlib.max-shards-per-node = 1
# Only used by standalone and cloud
#      option to disable automatic configuration update/deployment
#      to remote servers. You might not have the karma to do so.
solrlib.deploy-cores = true
# Only used by embedded
#      option to delete the solrlib-home upon shutdown
solrlib.delete-on-shutdown = false


SolrLib is licensed under the Apache License 2.0.