
A beautiful way to read documentation

Primary LanguageCoffeeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Beautiful docs

Beautiful docs is a documentation viewer based on markdown files.
Documentation manuals can be described in a manifest file using JSON.


  • Markdown syntax (with support for Github Flavored Markdown)
  • Uses files (store them anywhere, in git for example)
  • Automatically generate the table of content
  • Clean and simple to use interface
  • Stylesheet for printing
  • Supports embedly
  • Easy to customize (eg.: for organizations)
  • Support for multiple manifests with an index page

Checkout beautifuldocs.com for an example or github for the sources.
You can find a screenshot of the generated doc here.

Install using npm:

npm install beautiful-docs


Manifests are not mandatory but they allow to specify custom options for your documentation.
A manifest file contains a JSON object with the following properties:

  • title: Title of the manual (optional, default "Documentation")
  • files: An array of files
  • home: The file to display as the manual homepage (won't be used when computing the TOC)
  • category: Category of the manual (used on the homepage) (optional, default none)
  • css: Filename or URL of a CSS stylesheet that will be included in the page
  • codeHighlightTheme: The highlightjs theme for code highlighting (http://softwaremaniacs.org/soft/highlight/en/)
  • embedly: Activate embedly with the specified api key. Links to embed must be placed alone in a paragraph.
  • github: Repository name on github (user/repo) used to display a "Fork me on Github" banner
  • maxTocLevel: Maximum number of levels to display in the table of content (default 2)
  • makeAssetsRelativeToGithub: set this option to a github repo name (ie. username/reponame) to make assets urls relative to this repo

Files can be absolute URIs or relative to the manifest file.

    "title": "Beautiful Docs",
    "files": ["README.md"]


bfdocs [--option1=value [--option2=value ...]] [/path/to/manifest.json] [/path/to/output/dir]

Available options:

  • --help : Display the help information
  • --server : Create an HTTP server to access the generated documentation
  • --port : The port on which the HTTP server shoud listen
  • --watch : Watch files for modifications and reload them automatically
  • --manifests-only : Do not treat the last argument as the output dir but also as a manifest
  • --title : Title of the index page
  • --no-header: Hides the header
  • --no-toc: Hides the table of content sidebar
  • --base-url : Base url of all links
  • --index-only : Only generate the index file. The last argument should be the filename of the index
  • --templates-dir : Path of custom templates for the pages. Examples of templates.
  • --version : Display the installed version of beautiful-docs

Default output dir is ./out.
You can specify the path to a directory containing markdown files (*.md) instead of a manifest file.

Multiple manifests

Beautiful docs can handle multiple manifests at once and generate and index file to easily access each of them.

bfdocs [options] [--manifests-only] /path/to/first/manifest.json /path/to/second/manifest.json /path/to/third/manifest.json [/path/to/output/dir]

If you have more than one manifest and you don't want to specify the output dir, you must use the --manifests-only option.

When multiple manifests are specified, each generated ones will be located in its own subfolder.

You can also generate the index file on its own using --index-only:

bfdocs --index-only /path/to/manifest.json /path/to/manifest.json index.html


You can use the following css classes to style your documentation (suround a block with a div tag):

  • note: grey box
  • warning: orange box
  • tip: green box

Tables will be automatically formated.