
Fresh Market is a primary management tool for an audience that is engaged in pre-sale of different products. It provides the users with easy and accurate handling of incoming and outcoming sales, products, consignment letters ‘s details.

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


#the readme file was generated 12/18/2022y.

Table of Contents

  • General Info
  • Built with
  • Contributing

General Description

Fresh Market is a primary management tool for an audience that is engaged in sales of different products. It provides the users with easy and accurate handling of incoming and outcoming sales, products, consignment notes ‘s details.

In login page the user can log in their account, if they forgot their password the recovery page will be navigated if choosen then the user can set new password according to the message sent to their e-mail or phone number. After successfully logging in the program checks the user for admin check if th the user is an admin then the admin page will be navigated, otherwise the cashierpage will. image

Admin Page

In the admin page the user can add, delete, or update cashiers info. See the statistics of incoming and outcoming expenditutres. Additionally daily monthly and or yearly data can be seen according to user's choice. It is possible to get info about the checks of purchases and store them to a cloud. Also th user can see the list of available products, their quantity and prices or set new values. A new product and product category can be added to products list. Consignment notes can also be seen. image

Cashiers Page

In the Cashiers Page the cashier can use the barcode reader and get info about a certain product's price. The Cashier can set the totall number of products.In the Letters page tha cashiers will be able to confirm a consignment note if one is available. While adding products the summ will always be automatically calculated and in the end a check of the purchase can be printed. image

Built With

C#, .NET 6.0 , WPF, ADO.NET, PosrtgreSql, MaterialDesign, SMTP protocol, MegaApiClient, Aspose.Barcode, Infobip.Api.Client


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change. For any questions please feel free to connect us via: fresh.uzmarket@gmail.com