
A dead-simple Telegram bot for managing key-value pairs

Primary LanguagePython


>> A dead-simple Telegram bot for managing key-value pairs <<


I built this for an internal chat group because I kept forgetting all the random acronyms flying around. I needed a quick way to store and retrieve them, even if I could only remember a fragment.

This bot can be added to any Telegram group and invoked with the /acro command. It manages key-value pairs and includes a search feature that performs a full-text search across the database. If I remember even part of a key or value, I can find it in no time.


The backend is a single long-polling Telegram bot backed by a distributed SQLite database on Turso. Full-text search is powered by SQLite's FTS5 with the Trigram tokenizer and BM25 ranking. The app runs on a small 512MB Fly.io instance. You can check the full database structure in the DDL file.


Here's a list of all the supported commands:

Feature Command
Add a key with values - /acro add <key> <val1> <val2> ...
- /acro add "key with spaces" <val1> <val2> ...
- /acro add <key> "value with spaces"
Retrieve values for a key - /acro get <key>
- /acro get "key with spaces"
Remove specific values - /acro remove <key> <val1> <val2> ...
- /acro remove "key with spaces" <val1> <val2> ...
Delete a key - /acro delete <key>
- /acro delete "key with spaces"
List a few random keys - /acro list
Fuzzy search across all keys and values - /acro search <key>
- /acro search "key with spaces"
- /acro search <value>

Here's a GIF showing the bot in action:



The CI is configured to deploy the bot to a 512MB Fly.io machine on every push to the main branch.


The app streams all log messages to Pydantic Logfire. Logs appear as follows:

Pydantic logfire

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