
Djagno polls app for experimentation.

Primary LanguagePython

Django Polls

>> Django polls app for experimentation <<

python github_actions


This is the canonical polls app from the Django tutorial.


Experimenting with Django requires you to write a whole bunch of boilerplate code before you can get to the main point. So, I wanted to make it a reusable package. This is also helpful while communciating with people in blogs and tutorials on Django.


Use as a library

  • Run pip install django-polls-rednafi.

  • In your Django project's settings.py file, add polls.apps.PollsConfig to the INSTALLED_APPS section.

  • Start using the components of the polls app. Inspect the source to see what models and views are included in the app. It's exactly the same as the polls tutorial.

Use as an app

If you want the entire app and not only the reusable models and view, then:

  • Clone this repo.

  • Go to django-polls.

  • Run python manage.py makemigrations && python manage.py migrate.

  • Go to http://localhost:8000/polls/ and start using the app.

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