A micro framework for building and prototyping beautiful responsive websites with SCSS, HAML and Ruby. Feel free to fork the project and make it your own. The framework now runs on Sinatra which will generally make building static websites easier.
1 minute setup guide (assumes you have Ruby 1.9.x and Git installed).
gem install sinatra
git clone https://github.com/owainlewis/gravity
cd /gravity
ruby app.rb -p 3000
If all goes well you should see the following server message
Sinatra/1.3.2 has taken the stage on 3000 for development with backup from Thin
To start watching your SCSS files open another terminal window and use the built in rake task:
rake watch
- Sensible and pretty default styles for all elements
- Modular file structure for easy customization
- Pretty form styles by default
- Intelligent responsive grid system
- SASS mixins for CSS3
- Media Queries baked in and ready to go
- Pretty Rails flash messages
- Nice table styles by default
- CSS3 button style mixins
- Typography that automatically adjusts to your baseline grid
The following mixins are provided out of the box
@mixin border-radius
@mixin content-columns
@mixin border-image
@mixin opacity
@mixin text-shadow
@mixin transition
@mixin transform
@mixin transform-origin
@mixin box-shadow
@mixin gradient
@mixin horizontal-gradient
@mixin vertical-gradient
@mixin button
Flash messages are provided for web apps. Use a class of .flash-success, .flash-error or .flash-info.
Simply add a class of .responsive to get responsive images.
To use Gravity with Rails simple copy the stylesheets into vendor/assets/stylesheets and add this to your manifest file
@include 'gravity';
Convert all scss to sass
rake update
Run your application tests with
ruby test/app_test.rb
Basically do whatever you want with it. I use this as a base for every website I build and you are free to use it for any of your projects without restriction.
License: MIT http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php