
Calendar directive for Ionic 2

Primary LanguageTypeScript

No longer maintained

I wrote this calendar component some time ago, when Ionic 2 was still in the beta phase. Back then I was very excited about the upcoming Ionic 2 release, but the Ionic team took way longer to build a release version of Ionic 2 (mainly because the Angular team was slow in releasing the next version of Angular) and I shifted my interests from Angular to React and from Ionic/Cordova to React Native. You could still use this code though as a starting point for writing your own Angular/Ionic based calendar and I will keep this repository for reference.

Ionic 2 Calendar

A responsive calendar directive for Ionic 2


Demo here


Clone this directory and in the base directory run npm i to install the dependencies and ionic serve to test the app in the browser. If you need more help on using Ionic 2, have a look

At the moment, if you want to use the calendar in your Ionic 2 app, you will have to copy the folder app/components/calendar to your app. Once the calendar directive is out of alpha stage, we will make a NPM repository for it.


For an example of how to use calendar directive have a look at app/pages/calendar. In the component you will have to import the directive as:

import {CalendarComponent} from '../../components/calendar/calendar.component';

and add this property to the object passed to the @Component annotation function

directives: [CalendarComponent]

If you want to access methods of the calendar from the parents component, you should also annotate the CalendarComponent as a ViewChild:

private calendarComponent: CalendarComponent;

then in the parent component we can, for example, access the calendar's addCalendarEvent methods to add new calendar events. NOTE: Angular 2 and Ionic 2 offer several options for Component interaction/communication. In Ionic 2 apps, using the Ionic 2 Events API might be a better choice. We are still considering which option(s) to offer, if you have any comments, please drop us a line.

Then in the components template use:

 <ionic2-calendar [calEvents]="calEvents" 

calEvents is the only required parameter. The other parameters are event listeners in the calendar's parent component. Every event is also fired using the Ionic 2 Events Api.

Input data structure

The calendar expects events in a array of the following form:

      id: 'item-1', // Value that will be used for the items id attribute, if
                    // no value is suplied a random one will be generated and
                    // used internally to identify items. If supplied, it must
                    // be unique.
      data: {}, // Optional object to hold custom data
      icon: 'alarm', // Icon of the alert. This is compulsory when using the 
                     // calendar on small screens, as the name of the event will
                     // not be displayed in the month grid. It has to be a valid
                     // IonicIcons icon name.
      class: 'class', // Class of the item in the month grid cell
      iconStyle: { color: 'green' }, // Style for the item's icon
      style: { color: 'red' }, // Style for the item
      name: 'Item 1', // Name of the item
      startDate: new Date(), // Start date
      endDate: new Date(this.now + this.millisInHour * 1), // End date
      allDay: false, // Boolean for all day events
      ontap: (item: CalendarEvent) => { // Custom on-tap function for the item
          message: 'Custom click event',
          duration: 3000,
          position: 'bottom'
      ondoubeltap: (item: CalendarEvent) => {...},
      onpress: (item: CalendarEvent) => {...},

The class and style parameters can be strings, arrays or objects, the same as ngClass and ngStyle use. If custom event handlers are given, they will be used instead of the default event handler for a certain type of event. Ionic 2 events will be emitted in either case. For more info, check out the TypeScript interface definitions in app/components/calendar/calendar.component.ts.


  • Day view
  • Year view
  • Transitions between views
  • Code clean up and documentation