
query next satellite passes 🛰️

Primary LanguagePython

🛰️ Satellite Passes API

Query next passes for a given satellite above you.

Uses Skyfield to predict passes, and Celestrak GP API to get updated TLE data.

GitHub | Docs | openapi.json


GET /passes/<norad-id>


  • lat latitude (required)
  • lon longitude (required)
  • limit number of next passes
  • days number of days to calculate passes ahead
  • visible_only can be true/false, filter passes by visible passes only

Response example

GET /passes/25544?lat=-34.9112212&lon=-57.9372988&limit=1 HTTP/1.1
Accept: */*
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Connection: keep-alive
Host: sat.terrestre.ar
User-Agent: HTTPie/1.0.3

    "rise": {
      "alt": "10.00",
      "az": "317.05",
      "az_octant": "NW",
      "utc_datetime": "2020-06-02 05:22:20.959562+00:00",
      "utc_timestamp": 1591075340,
      "is_sunlit": false,
      "visible": false
    "culmination": {
      "alt": "79.94",
      "az": "44.48",
      "az_octant": "NE",
      "utc_datetime": "2020-06-02 05:25:44.705872+00:00",
      "utc_timestamp": 1591075544,
      "is_sunlit": false,
      "visible": false
    "set": {
      "alt": "10.00",
      "az": "130.38",
      "az_octant": "SE",
      "utc_datetime": "2020-06-02 05:29:10.634226+00:00",
      "utc_timestamp": 1591075750,
      "is_sunlit": false,
      "visible": false
    "norad_id": 25544,
    "visible": false


  • alt/az are measured in degrees.
  • is_sunlit tells if satellite is being illuminated by the sun.
  • visible field tells if the satellite will be probably visible, considering the sun is near the horizon, and the observer is at night. You can read more here.

Results are cached 1 day for each parameters combo, except limit.