
google book API search engine - full stack

Primary LanguageJavaScript


google book search engine - full stack

Link to Deployed application: https://calm-dawn-69453.herokuapp.com


A full stack application that lets user search for books through google search and lets users save results into mongoose database and later delete the record if they so choose.

Developer Notes:

  • First run npm install in the terminal to install all the dependencies.
  • Use <React.Fragment> tag to encompass all the components in a return statement.
  • refer to package.json for build commands(make sure you're in the right folder before doing npm run build the first time!)
  • for gh-pages to show up under settings in github, one needs to npm run build and then npm run deploy after adding to the scripts in package.json.
  • After running npm run build in the client folder, run serve -s build (make sure you npm install -g serve if you don't have it globally installed). This way, you can look at what you built

Technologies Used:

- React JS
- JavaScript
- mongoose
- materialise css
- npm modules:
    - AXIOS
    - Express
    - if-env
    - mongoose
    - path
    - body-parser
    - gh-pages
    - nodemon
    - file-loader
    - concurrently
- Heroku add-ons:
    - MongoDB
    - mLab

Things learned:

  • How to integrate knowledge from gifTastic project and translate documentations for multiple npm modules to work with JSX instead of Jquery.
  • In order to see the react app locally, you have to have a build folder created and served
  • You need to have both Express server running nodemon server on (localhost:4000) where the server.js is located. There's also frontend react server running in client npm run rerun, through localhost:5000.
  • Middleware CORS needed so that react server talks to express.

Stretch Goal(s):

  • Use React routing and socket.io to create a notification or a component that triggers whenever a user saves an book. Your message should include the title of the saved book.
  • Say you have multiple browsers open, each one visiting your site. If you save an book in one browser, then all of your browsers should notify you that a new book was saved.
  • Use Socket.io NPM package
  • Add number of API results in a badge using a component
  • Add autocomplete materialize css for the search input- https://materializecss.com/autocomplete.html
  • Create a Favicon.io! :D