A complete, well-tested, and up-to-date module to manipulate Factorio blueprint strings. Compatible with mods.
- AndrewKraevskiiРоссия, Санкт-Петербург
- ArXen42Russia, Saint Petersburg
- AstronecsysFJNU
- bwanders
- cachitasLisbon, Portugal
- CapnCrispy
- cpcp1998Stanford University
- crhallbergVillanova University
- DessixMicrosoft; Theseus Institute
- elswindle
- erplsf@klar-mx
- fabi321Germany
- goodside
- heyjonathan
- J-Bonwick
- jfroy@NVIDIA
- jjclark1982Roche Sequencing Solutions
- JoshHoppes
- kevinaUnited States
- LukeDRussellBrisbane, AU
- MekapaediaCambridge, UK
- MyNameIsTrezThe Netherlands
- nicholasgower
- pinkvix
- R-O-C-K-E-T
- redruin1
- rnorris7756
- rpdelaneyAlly Financial
- ScottLovettFlorida Polytechnic
- SpikesDivZero
- SporeoInternet
- tephyr
- The1TrueJoe@AutoGolfCart
- TheSnoozer
- tqcq
- Trimardio