
For of solrpy with GET's and support for Python 2.6, 2.7

Primary LanguagePython

Solr API for Python

``solrpy`` is a Python client for Solr_, an enterprise search server
built on top of Lucene_.  ``solrpy`` allows you to add documents to a
Solr instance, and then to perform queries and gather search results
from Solr using Python.


Here's the basic gist::

    import solr

    # create a connection to a solr server
    s = solr.SolrConnection('http://example.org:8083/solr')

    # add a document to the index
    doc = dict(
        title='Lucene in Action',
        author=['Erik Hatcher', 'Otis Gospodnetić'],
    s.add(doc, commit=True)

    # do a search
    response = s.query('title:lucene')
    for hit in response.results:
        print hit['title']

More powerful queries

Optional parameters for query, faceting, highlighting and more like this
can be passed in as Python parameters to the query method.  You just need
to convert the dot notation (e.g. facet.field) to underscore notation
(e.g. facet_field) so that they can be used as parameter names.

For example, let's say you wanted to get faceting information in your
search result::

    response = s.query(
        'title:lucene', facet='true', facet_field='subject')

and if the parameter takes multiple values you just pass them in as a list::

    response = s.query(
        'title:lucene', facet='true',
        facet_field=['subject', 'publisher'])


Feel free to join our `discussion list`_ if you have ideas or suggestions.
Also, please add examples to the wiki_ if you have the time and interest.

.. _Solr:  http://lucene.apache.org/solr/
.. _Lucene:  http://lucene.apache.org/java/docs/
.. _discussion list:  http://groups.google.com/group/solrpy
.. _wiki:  http://code.google.com/p/solrpy/w/list