ICP Governance Canister

Governor is a canister and a frontend for a single DAO management Dapp


  • Principals can create a proposal when having enough tokens above the DAO-wide threshold
  • Principals can cast a vote on a proposal when having any tokens, there's no voting threshold
  • Voting weight for each principal equals to it's token balance
  • Principals can queue a proposal that reaches a DAO-wide quorum for an execution
  • A queued for an execution proposal gets time-locked until a specified DAO-wide amount of time exceeds

Admins — Guardian

  • Guardian can cancel a proposal at any time before it gets executed


This project requires an installation of:

Getting started

Navigate into the folder containing the project's files and run the following commands:

dfx start --clean --background # Run dfx in the background
pnpm install # Install dependencies
pnpm run deploy # Build + test + deploy canisters locally


pnpm run dev # Start the development server
pnpm run test # Run integration tests
pnpm run build # Build the canisters, generate Candid declarations