
An ultra simple wrapper for Python MySQLdb with very basic functionality

Primary LanguagePython


An ultra simple wrapper for mysql-connector-python with very basic functionality.


David Wolfe

💻 🔨

Milosh Bolic

💻 💡

Kailash Nadh

💻 💤
Licensed under GNU GPL v2


With pip3

pip3 install git+https://github.com/lilkingjr1/simplemysql

Or from the source

python setup.py install


For normal connection:

from simplemysql import SimpleMysql

db = SimpleMysql(
	autocommit=False, # optional kwarg
	keep_alive=True # try and reconnect timedout mysql connections?

For SSL Connection:

from simplemysql import SimpleMysql

db = SimpleMysql(
	ssl = {'cert': 'client-cert.pem', 'key': 'client-key.pem'},
	keep_alive=True # try and reconnect timedout mysql connections?

Usage example:

# create table, if it doesn't already exist
self.db.query("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS books (id INT AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, type VARCHAR(255), name VARCHAR(255), price DECIMAL(, 2), year INT)")

# insert a record to the "books" table
db.insert("books", {"type": "paperback", "name": "Time Machine", "price": 5.55, "year": 1997})

# retrieve a single record that contains the "name" attribute with a "year" of 1997 from the "books" table
book = db.getOne("books", ["name"], ("year=%s", [1997]))

# access the "name" attribute from the returned record
print("The book's name is " + book['name'])

Query methods

Returns Methods
int insert(table, record{})
int insertBatch(table, rows{})
int update(table, row{}, condition[])
int insertOrUpdate(table, row{}, key)
dict getOne(table, fields[], where[], order[], limit[])
dict[] getAll(table, fields[], where[], order[], limit[]))
dict[] leftJoin(tables(2), fields(), join_fields(2), where=[], order=[], limit=[])
int delete(table, fields[], condition[], order[], limit[])
tuple[] call(procedure, params)
int lastId()
str lastQuery()
MySQLdb.Cursor query(string)
void commit()

insert(table, record{})

Inserts a single record into a table. Returns number of rows affected.

db.insert("food", {"type": "fruit", "name": "Apple", "color": "red"})
db.insert("books", {"type": "paperback", "name": "Time Machine", "price": 5.55})

insertBatch(table, rows{})

Insert Multiple values into table. Returns number of rows affected.

# insert multiple values in table
db.insertBatch("books", [{"discount": 0},{"discount":1},{"discount":3}])

update(table, row{}, condition[])

Update one more or rows based on a condition (or no condition). Returns number of rows affected.

# update all rows
db.update("books", {"discount": 0})

# update rows based on a simple hardcoded condition
	{"discount": 10},

# update rows based on a parametrized condition
	{"discount": 10},
	[f"id={id} AND year={year}"]

insertOrUpdate(table, row{}, key)

Insert a new row, or update if there is a primary key conflict. Returns number of rows affected.

# insert a book with id 123. if it already exists, update values
	{"id": 123, type": "paperback", "name": "Time Machine", "price": 5.55},

getOne(table, fields[], where[], order[], limit[])

Get a single record from a table given a condition (or no condition). The resultant row is returned as a single dictionary. None is returned if no record can be found.

book = db.getOne("books", ["id", "name"])

print(f"Book {book['name']} has ID of {book['id']}")
# get a row based on a simple hardcoded condition
book = db.getOne("books", ["name", "year"], ("id=1"))
# get all columns of first result/row of a table
book = db.getOne("books", ["*"])

getAll(table, fields[], where[], order[], limit[])

Get multiple records from a table given a condition (or no condition). The resultant rows are returned as a list of dictionaries. None is returned if no record(s) can be found.

# get multiple rows based on a parametrized condition
books = db.getAll(
	["id", "name"],
	("year > %s and price < %s", [year, 12.99])

print("All books that match conditions:\n")
for record in books:
# get multiple rows based on a parametrized condition with an order and limit specified
books = db.getAll(
	["id", "name", "year"],
	("year > %s and price < %s", [year, 12.99]),
	["year", "DESC"],	# ORDER BY year DESC for descending (ASC for ascending)
	[0, 10]			# LIMIT 0, 10

Note: getOne() and getAll() work with View Objects as well:

# get all rows and columns of a view
discounted_books = db.getAll(

leftJoin(tables(2), fields()[], join_fields(2), where=[], order=[], limit=[])

Get multiple records, for multiple fields, spanning two tables, given a condition (or no condition) against both tables and two joining fields that would share the same value between tables. The resultant rows are returned as a list of dictionaries. None is returned if no record(s) can be found.

# get multiple records for multiple fields spanning two tables that share a common field, based on a parametrized condition
book_sales = db.leftJoin(
    ("books", "transactions"),
        ["edition"], # "books" fields
        ["fname", "date"] # "transactions" fields
    ("id", "book_id"), # same id number in both tables
    ("books.name=%s and transactions.fname=%s", [book_name, first_name])

print(f"All sales that match book {book_name} and customer {first_name}:\n")
for sale in book_sales:
	print(f"{sale['fname']} purchased {sale['edition']} edition on {sale['date']}")

delete(table, fields[], condition[], order[], limit[])

Delete one or more records based on a condition (or no condition). Returns number of rows affected.

# delete all rows

# delete rows based on a condition
db.delete("books", ("price > %s AND year < %s", [25, 1999]))

call(procedure, params[])

Calls/runs a stored procedure by name in the connected database. All return values of the procedure are fetched and returned as a tuple list. None is returned if the procedure does not return anything.

# call a stored procedure in the database
results = db.call("DeleteOldBooksListNew", [1970, 2000])

# print procedure return values
for book in results:
    print(f'Title: "{book(0)}", Year: {book(1)}')

## lastId()
Get the last insert ID.

# get the last insert ID


Get the last query executed.

# get the SQL of the last executed query


Run a raw SQL query. The MySQLdb cursor is returned.

# run a raw SQL query
db.query("DELETE FROM books WHERE year > 2005")

## commit()
Insert, update, and delete operations on transactional databases such as innoDB need to be committed.

# Commit all pending transaction queries