
just for testing the server

Primary LanguageRuby

#Welcome to Drawsomething_cheat it just a very stupid app for testing my server

##deploy cp config/database.yml.example config/database.yml

change your database information in this file,and then

rake db:migrate

after database migration, run the script/insert_dic.rb, and i already put a dictionary text in this folder name "hanying_done.txt",you could build your own dic too. the Draw model needs two properties : english and chinese,just mod that,and remmber to change thedatabase config in insert_dic.rb too

cd script
ruby insert_dic.rb

this apps requires redis, you could change your redis config in application.rb, i used $redis to be the global variable

and the last thing is the config/schedule.rb file, this is generated by whenever, for the visit count, run: whenever -i
