- 7
Redux-persist new API is incompatible with redux-loop
#166 opened by lsunsi - 3
Need docs - how to simulate Cmd.setTimeout?
#266 opened by dszymczuk - 3
Implement isLoop as a type guard
#264 opened by pbadenski - 9
- 11
Fix Dispatch return type in TypeScript
#237 opened by laszlopandy - 1
- 2
WithDefaultActionHandling makes it awkward to pass extra arguments to reducer
#257 opened by laszlopandy - 4
- 1
Question: with Cmd.getState, getState return the previous state or the next state?
#250 opened by mauriziocarboni2 - 1
- 2
Suggestion for test utilities
#252 opened by abradley2 - 14
Improving getState and dispatch usage in
#233 opened by laszlopandy - 7
Fix Loop generics for TypeScript
#243 opened by nweber-gh - 7
LoopReducer is not type safe
#247 opened by bdwain - 5
- 6
- 2
- 1
Setting empty object in reducer
#225 opened by Cicko - 5
- 2
TypeScript error on replaceReducer
#219 opened by butterybread - 1
Possible immutable support regression
#224 opened by bjacog - 3
Calls to that return a promise without a failActionCreator should throw an error on failure
#221 opened by D1plo1d - 0
Even more improved typing for
#211 opened by felixeichhorst-jimdo - 6
[Q] Problem implementing a request polling mechanism
#180 opened by on3iro - 23
[BUG] is broken
#162 opened by gniquil - 9
Question: why use over Cmd.action?
#159 opened by heygrady - 3
- 6
Cmd.action without dispatching
#187 opened by jonaskello - 1
- 8
Found the way of testing whole app flow
#188 opened by SlavkoPar - 35
Typescript examples
#160 opened by ashishsc - 7
CombineReducers uses rootState and seems to cause problem with other reducers (eg. reduceReducer)
#178 opened by tkreis - 4
Should work inside Cmd.list?
#195 opened by danieljharvey - 2
- 2
Make a recipies section in the docs
#181 opened by bdwain - 8
Custom command types
#186 opened by jonaskello - 5
- 11
Enhancer is not working
#165 opened by morewings - 4
execute reduxLoop.Cmd.action synchronously without notifying subscribers?
#173 opened by arnauorriols - 4
- 3
[Question]: How would I implement a request queue
#176 opened by on3iro - 4
Cmd functions not triggered in 4.2.4
#174 opened by kwhitejr - 3
- 7
Replace readme with a multi-page guide
#158 opened by bdwain - 1
- 1
- 3
- 0
- 8
Slack channel
#161 opened by ashishsc - 4
Cmd's silently failing
#156 opened by christopherdbull