Use most.js with redux-observable
This requires peer dependencies of rxjs@5
and most@1
, which will have to be installed as well.
npm install --save redux-observable-adapter-most
This library basically will convert the RxJS ActionsObservable
provided to your Epics into a most.js version. Then the most.js Stream you return in your Epic will be converted back to an RxJS Observable inside the middleware.
import mostAdapter from 'redux-observable-adapter-most';
const epicMiddleware = createEpicMiddleware(rootEpic, { adapter: mostAdapter });
// your Epics are now most.js streams
const pingPongEpic = action$ =>
.map(action => ({
type: PONG
The most.js Stream is an ActionsStream which has the equivalent ofType
helper. If you prefer the functional composition way, you can use it too:
import { ofType } from 'redux-observable-adapter-most';
const pingPongEpic = action$ => {
const ping$ = ofType(PING, action$);
return map(action => ({
type: PONG
}), ping$);