Reduce multiple reducers into a single reducer from left to right
- 1
Looking for Maintainers
#44 opened by timche - 2
- 0
- 1
Using reducers from an external library
#35 opened by bravo-kernel - 2
- 19
Easier npm import
#11 opened by MartinJHammer - 2
Typing error with 1.0.3
#32 opened by bard - 2
Typing error with 1.0.2
#30 opened by bard - 7
Incorrect TypeScript declaration
#28 opened by vhenzl - 3
Consider to change API
#25 opened by RumyantsevMichael - 0
- 1
Update `event-stream` (vulnerability)
#26 opened by fraywing - 17
require from nodejs and webpack are not similar
#22 opened by maxigue - 1
Redux-persist support?
#15 opened by Infonautica - 4
Support initial state
#9 opened by naorye - 2
- 2
correct usage of reduce-reducers
#5 opened by zatziky - 6
Is this package the same as combineReducers?
#8 opened by joetidee - 1
Update .babelrc or remove it
#2 opened by marcelklehr