ARCHIVED: the CRA+JS template has moved to
- 7
Vite React example (Javascript + Typescript)
#55 opened by nvh95 - 0
Include tests for Counter as example
#23 opened by nickserv - 1
Suggested improvement: add an API call (fetch)
#19 opened by a-h - 4
- 4
Template dependencies cannot be resolved
#51 opened by rondobohrens - 1
move some dependencies to devDependencies
#32 opened by yoangau - 0
Template generates incomplete react app
#33 opened by JESii - 1
- 9
Inconsistent line endigs
#21 opened by mradenovic - 2
how to add this template on existing project ?
#17 opened by rizalashidiq97 - 2
Post-1.0 tweaks
#7 opened by markerikson - 0
Thunk example
#9 opened by albseb511 - 2
Official template for TypeScript
#5 opened by ematipico